I’m a maker.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I hate to argue against you because I agree that nobody needs a hundred round clip or full auto for an intruder, but the forefathers’ intended right wasn’t “people should have muskets”. It was much closer to “the people should be armed in case of tyrrany by their government”. The intention was for people to defend their other rights by force, making it more difficult for the government (or an invading force) to take over (this was immediately post-revolution mind you and much of the bill of rights was in direct response to british soldiers’ activities). Of course they also thought we’d be reforming the government and drafting new constitutions as the culture changed, but of course that never happened.

    I am not a historian, just a pedant.

  • I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you’re unaware of violent crime that does not involve guns? Lets put the gun aside for a moment and analyze whether or not the guy felt afraid. If someone walks up to you in the manner this guy did, you get afraid. It’s WHAT THE PERPETRATOR WANTED THE GUY TO DO! He even said that he kept approaching because the guy wasn’t reacting the way he wanted. He was escalating the threat to get a reaction. If the guy didn’t have a gun he would have swung instead of shooting when backing away clearly wasn’t working. Fight or Flight is called a “reaction” for a reason. It’s not a fully conscious process. This “prankster” only did what he did because he was so large and intimidating that he knew he didn’t have to fear physical reprisal for his obvious assaults.

  • This isn’t just “someone annoying him”, the harasser is a 6’5" dude who walked up to within inches of the shooter, then when the shooter told him to get back and started backing away himself, continued to close the distance. This is open and shut self defense, you don’t get to hunt someone down like that, staying in their personal space, and expect them to not feel threatened. YOU would feel threatened and if you’re telling me otherwise, I have a friend named Billy Bob who’d like to stand silently in your personal space for the remainder of the year.