RandyLahey [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2020


  • perhaps an obvious one but im gonna say black panther, not just for killmonger being based and them having to make him kill his girlfriend for no reason to make him look like the bad guy, but for its portrayal of the international rules-based order

    borrowing from an old comment, the thing that i found most interesting about that movie is that killmonger completely plays by all the countrys rules to come into power - he comes from the appropriate royal bloodline, he gets the backing of one of the major feudal lords, he comes in openly and challenges the sitting monarch who accepts the challenge without coercion (and as we saw earlier in the movie, challenge to personal combat is a normal and accepted means of transfer of power), and then he wins decisively and kills the sitting monarch (as far as anyone knows). all of this is ludicrous crusader kings shit and an absurd way to run an enlightened modern country, but he plays by the rules.

    and the very second that somebody they dont like gets into power, what is the rules-based “liberal” response? pro-royalist military coup, openly backed by literally the cia. they only find out the black panther guy is alive later, so they still think hes dead when they throw it all into motion but that doesnt stop them. and the movie is written in a way that makes this seem like the obviously logical and honourable and correct thing to do, and that these are the good guys that you should support. and at the end stability is restored, and even though hes a hereditary monarch without even the figleaf of parliamentary oversight, hes pro-western and he says nice things in speeches so thats basically the same as democracy right?

    like even in the most woke lib “pro-black” blockbuster movie, cia-backed coup is just seen as the obvious response to any thorny political questions.

    but hey, they did open one (1) community centre at the end so the injustice faced by black people worldwide was pretty much solved :liberalism:

  • ive read way too many 40k novels lol (yeah i read theory) and theres a huuuuuge disconnect between the different writers. youre absolutely right that the eisenhorn/ravenor books in particular are all about how incredibly dogshit the imperium is, and other books do make this clear as well

    but with a lot of the space marine focused ones you can just feel the authors jerking themselves off as they write (someone should compile all the bits from the horus heresy novels where they first describe each of the primarchs in particular lol) and they are often really uncritical or apologetic about not just the space marines but the imperium itself

    and of course the video games mostly go no deeper than “yay space marines”

  • fuck me, my subconscious definitely picked up on some kind of extra racial weirdness when i was going through all this shit arguing with people on r*ddit, but yeah it didnt quite click until you mentioned it that this is exactly what it was

    and yeah im just realising as well that there was lots of talk about religious persecution etc, but very little talk about islam - rarely called “islamophobia”, and i have a strong feeling that if you looked at all the articles with this in mind youd find that as much as they focused on religious buildings that they really downplayed “mosques” in favour of other terms or generic “houses of worship” etc (this last bit might actually be legit though, it does seem from my very limited knowledge that their version of islam is a bit different in its religious buildings from “mainstream” islam)

    this shit probably should have been immediately obvious but there was so much other bullshit to wade through that i guess i didnt really notice

  • just wanna mention the profound negative impact on my generation (and probably younger people too) of the movie american pie. it came out when i was like 16 and was one of the biggest movies of the time and instantly entered the zeitgeist, and the whole premise was that if you didnt lose your virginity before you went to university, you were a profound failure as a person, and the main characters all spend the whole movie trying to get laid - and the triumphant ending is that they manage to get laid so phew they dont have to give up their man cards, not that they came to terms with it not being the be-all and end-all of your social status. it had a huge impact on guys of my age, and truly ramped up the desperation to not be “that loser”, and i think you could probably trace it back as one of the major precursors of the whole incel thing. i have absolutely no doubt that it led to a whole truckload of sexual assault and gross behavior as well, seriously fuck that movie

    the overwhelming impression that ive gotten as ive gotten older is that most of the macho sex bragging was absolute bullshit, and that the majority of people lost their virginity far later than popular media would have us believe, and if there wasnt this ridiculous pressure from popular media then life would have been a whole lot more pleasant for everyone

  • As much fun as it is to laugh at Castro’s exploding cigars or whatever, I think the narrative of CIA as a bunch of incompetents is actually pretty harmful to the left. Sure they’ve done a few really dumb things, but they’ve been incredibly fucking effective in staging coups, assassinations, and all sorts of other horrific shit, like look into pretty much every bad thing in the last 70-odd years and it’s bound to have their grubby little pawprints all over it. That’s a pretty fucking good strikerate, and painting them as incompetent can make us lose sight of just how effective they’ve been at fucking up the world

    To the agent reading this: when you’re done jerking yourself off, please go throw yourself off a cliff in minecraft