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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • I wonder how WW2 would have gone if instead of “shooting first”, they gave the guy in the SS uniform the benefit of the doubt until he signed a written statement acknowledging that yes, he was indeed a Nazi who fully and willingly supported Hitler and the genocide of minorities.

    But hey, we know who this person is. Should we look up their other posts? We can go through them one by one until we’ve got your rubber stamp of approval to say “this person is probably racist”.

    What about this one?. Can we call them racist, or do you was to tell us “Stop jumping to conclusions, that could just be L5 written diagonally in a circle”.

    We both know it could be and we both know it isn’t going to be.

  • Abused? Agendas? I don’t believe it. I’m sure this is just one of a series of posts and either side is “its okay to be asian” and “it’s okay to be black” /s

    The statement “it’s okay to be white” may be true, but it’s also never been widely suggested otherwise outside of a handful of shit takes.

    It’s just people taking “white people have done some fucked up racist shit” personally, like someone yelling “not all men” and punching their wife because she was discussing modern and historical domestic abuse.

    A healthy person should be able to say “they’re not talking about me specifically (even if they’re talking about a group I belong to) and they’re not specifically excluding me (even if they’re talking about a group I don’t belong to)”.

  • It must be humiliating to see conservatives pushing a conservative agenda and have no response to it except “no you”.

    Have you even thought this through logically, or do you just bleat what you’re told to?

    If support having police search schools to ensure gender identity is suitably suppressed, you should be proudly taking credit for it as a conservative.

    If you don’t support it, conservatives have made it clear that this is their agenda and if you don’t support it, you’re no longer welcome among conservatives.

    So what’s it going to be? Are you going to openly support current Republican policies, pretend you do, pretend you don’t, switch to the party you’ve been trying to throw your shit at or just not vote?

    Is this really the corner you want to back yourself into for shit-tier jabs like “Must be a Democrat”?

  • While this is definitely something people should do, be careful offering “the free market will fix it” as a solution – it’s pushed a solution by neoliberals exactly because it doesn’t work.

    In this particular case, ethical businesses may have already been pushed out of the market because the only way for them to compete is to either charge more or also rip off their workers and suppliers.

    Charging more is obviously the correct solution, but paying more for an ethically produced product isn’t a luxury everyone has because they’re also working for an insatiably greedy company.

    Regulations that force companies to behave ethically is the only way out of this hole, which is why neoliberals fiercely oppose them.

  • Probably lots of reasons, all of them fucked.

    The main reason is probably money. There’s no better way to turn billions of dollars of public funds into billions of dollars of private profits.

    It also reassures neoliberals that for all his rhetoric about forgiving loans and improving healthcare access, he’s still willing to kill children if there’s money in it.

    It’s also a chance to show off the unstoppable force of American arms against people who are considered completely expendable to America.

  • While I’m sure cruelty is the point for many politicians and their voters, those politicians serve entirely at the neoliberals discretion, on the condition their abuse never gets in the way of profits.

    On the right, that means pandering to fascists, fundamentalists, reactionaries and idiots.

    They’re free to inflict whatever abuse they want on the public on the condition it never gets in the way of the insatiable greed and entitlement of the 1%. The moment it does, they’ll be out on their ass.

    Unfortunately, this is also true on the left. But rather than abusers, they pander to progressives.

    Progressives can talk all the environmentalism and social reforms they want, but they do so on the condition that it never makes any significant difference on the profits of the wealthy.

    So they’re allowed to do things like “use tax dollars to pay off the insurance companies”, but they’re not permitted to introduce legislation that would completely undermine an extremely predatory industry.

    The moment someone has the power to do anything more than talk about it, you quickly find this neoliberalism has incredible unity. Media companies, politicians, industry groups and pundits from both sides will all hold hands as they stomp the threat into the dirt.

    Best of all, they don’t need any grand conspiracy to do so. They communicate entirely with economic dogwhistles.

    They’re fully aware that things like deregulation and trickle down never work – they count on it to get rich. But the moment anyone in a position of power speaks out against those ideas, they know it’s their signal to throw everything they can at stopping them.

  • I love how endlessly pedantic you are toward people who don’t support enabling Nazis but have no problem giving yourself a free pass to say hyperbolic shit like “banning Nazis from being able to speak”.

    It’s almost like all your faux rationality is just a means to manipulate people into doing what you want and not actually something you believe in.

    Remember kids: Every emotionally abusive person you’ve ever heard about probably has an internet connection and a couple of social media accounts.

  • We are perfectly capable of banning hate speech without some ridiculous “oh shit we’re addicted to banning now” slippery slope.

    The moral thing to to is absolutely to deplatform the nazis. They can fuck off and run their own Nazi site, on their own Nazi servers, using their own Nazi money and they’re will definitely ban anyone they consider an undesirable from it, no matter now much you tut at them on social media.

    If sub stack won’t, then I won’t use sub stack.

  • So how many races does this “Rawley Balko” advocate the systemic genocide of? Do you think they’ll still be free to say whatever they like under a fascist dictatorship?

    Apologists for Nazi scum always pretend its somehow a noble view and they’re heroes for holding it, but they may as well be helping a rapist pin someone down and then expecting a round of applause for being a good samaritan.

    But you don’t see them claiming “Oh so you don’t believe in sexual freedom after all? Just until someone does an act you don’t like?” because sexual assault is a reprehensible act and we we’re under no obligation to tolerate it just because a scumbag wants to do it and a neckbeard thinks it would be logically consistent (and not something they’ll ever be the the victim of).

    Well advocating the murder and oppression of millions of people is a reprehensible act. Grooming children with memes and the mentally ill with conspiracy theories is a reprehensible act. Openly celebrating mass shooters is a reprehensible act.

    And we’re under no moral obligation to tolerate it.

  • America can probably dodge fascists for a while yet but wealthy neoliberals have spent millions of hours and billions of dollars trying to ensure that anyone who might genuinely fix things never has the power to do so.

    There’s the giant media companies looking to maximise their profits through manipulation and cronyism, rather than anything resembling actual journalism.

    The legal system that’s reluctant to investigate, prosecute or punish corporations and the ultra wealthy at the head of them, but enthusiastic about throwing poor people in for profit prisons.

    Tech companies that will platform any reprehensible views in exchange for a few dollars of ad impressions, pumping their users for pennies with an elaborate emotional slot machine.

    Then of course the open political corruption. Gerrymandering, insider trading, disenfranchised voters, voting machines with no paper trail and a deeply flawed election system where any vote that isn’t for one of the two neoliberal parties is functionally thrown in the bin.

    When we can’t stand it any more, we’re fed bullshit non-solutions instead, written and published by the problems themselves and designed to make them even richer.

    “The free market will fix it. Buying more guns will fix it. Electing a man with the communication skills and emotional regulation of a toddler will fix it. Murdering people based on the amount of melanin in their body will fix it”.

    Each one has already been tried and each one has failed to even dent the issue, because if they had any chance of succeeding then they would have banded together to undermine them in a bipartisan act of class solidarity.

    And fuck, that’s just the politics. The same insatiably greedy, neoliberal trash is also responsible for the impending climate breakdown, endless wars and unprecedented levels of unemoloyment and homelessness because no matter how much we give them, they just can’t say “no” to profits.

    We need to vote, but we also need so much more than voting. We need the entire world to unite in protest, demanding their governments either acknowledge the rights, freedoms and entitlements of every person on the planet, or be held accountable when they don’t.

    So it’s not hard to see why people might get disillusioned when “maybe if we abuse minorities more, we’ll be able to own homes again” still seems to be an idea people want to explore.

  • Nope. I know it’s hard for you to relate to, but I’m not remotely insecure enough to be “triggered” by a stranger who smells like a Magic: The Gathering tournament, hurling someone else’s insults like a parrot taught to swear, because there’s nothing else for him to do now that they teach teenagers to recognise emotional abuse.