Pavlichenko_Fan_Club [comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • This is fundamentaly a liberal conception of the world, that the solution to everything is to just have the right people in charge. The constant regeneration of capitalism is not born out of some individuals conscious will. It is ideological, structural, etc.

    Conceptually you’ve jettisoned the very idea of class struggle, you’ve interalized defeat to such a degree that revolution is preemptively liquidated, and in its place put forward the same blathe utopianism that has been repudiated for hundreds of years. I will give you things though, you are correct to not tail this or that power, but by no means are you a Communist.

    To think that millions of people of this world bled, toiled, and dedicated their lives under the sky of a Communist horizon, in the name of revolution, could be swept away in just a few sentences in an internet comment is not just a horror of its inadequacy to capture the experience of the world proletarian revolutions of the past, but it is pure arrogance!!

  • I’ve wholeheartedly become one of those ‘boycott the elections!’ people recently. Obviously getting progressives elected isn’t the goal–I would hope this is a starting point most would agree with here–, but neither is it good strategy to say we’ll win reforms by creating powerful working-class organizations. I’ll go even further and say that the shame-faced agnosticism of saying that election are wholly irrelevant misses the point in that the farcical nature of Bourgeois democracy behooves us to put this fact forward as primary. We don’t ignore elections because everybody knows politics is a shame, a rich mans game, and so on, as although this may be true we understand our ‘democracy’ itself is a tool of class oppression by the Bourgeoisie. Therefore, we dont posit more working-class representation in government, we posit the dictatorship of the proletariate instead. We understand that all consessions, and reforms won through popular struggle are meant to bury the contradiction driving class-struggle, to quash popular discontent by channeling it through safe, legal avenues. The state legalized unions because the alternative was killing your boss. The state became ‘democratic’ because the alternative was overthrowing your government.

  • 🇾🇪 Ansarallah Political Bureau member, Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti: — My message to the people of Western countries.

    If another group of humans were subjected to the injustice that the Palestinians are subjected to, we would take action to support them, regardless of their religion and race.

    Taking action to support the oppressed on earth, regardless of its risks, is a true test of human morality at the level of individuals and nations, and whoever does not take action to stop the crimes of genocide that we witness daily in Gaza, this means that he has lost his humanity.

    Moral and human values ​​are fixed and do not change with the race and religion of the person who benefits from their existence, and dealing with them selectively means losing them.

    The expansion of the hegemony of the ruling Zionist cabal in Washington, London, and some other Western capitals, and its control over global decisions, has caused many tragedies throughout the world, starting from South America in the west to the farthest part of Asia in the east.

    The reason is dealing with moral values ​​with extreme selectivity that amounts to schizophrenia, to the point that the US Secretary of State declared support for the genocidal massacres committed by Israel under the pretext that they share the same values ​​of freedom and democracy, even though the existence of Israel deprived the Palestinian people of the right to live in their land, and this is the greatest violation of the values, freedom and democracy.

    If the Western peoples, led by the American and British people, do not move to restore their humanity, then the tragedies caused by their governments outside their borders will spread to their countries, and the rise of the extreme right and the war in Ukraine are one of those indicators.

    We are not hostile to the American or British people, but rather to the ruling Zionist gang that takes advantage of the capabilities of Western countries, which they did not realize, to suppress the freedom of other peoples and conspire against them.

    The Zionist gang’s ability to mislead people exceeds its military capabilities, so victory over it on the awareness front is more important than victory over it on the military front.

    The Zionist gang misled public opinion to justify the occupation of Iraq under the pretext of the existence of chemical weapons and the presence of Al-Qaeda, and when it was proven that these claims were false, it disavowed responsibility for the tragedies that befell Iraq simply with one word, “We made a mistake,” in order to continue causing more tragedies.

    During the occupation of Iraq, I was living in the Netherlands, and I personally witnessed the state of awareness among Western peoples opposing the occupation, which exceeded 70%. This event was sufficient to create a permanent awakening that would result in profound positive changes at the level of the structure of the ruling elite in Western countries and at the level of the structure of the international system, except The Zionist gang resorted to bringing in Al-Qaeda members and creating a suitable environment for its growth in Iraq as a front for resistance ,to stir up strife among the people, which constituted a shock and a state of confusion for the anti-war activists, who were waiting for the launch of a moral and conscious Iraqi resistance, and then they saw Al-Qaeda committing the most heinous crimes.

    Today, we reassure all the free people of the world that the extent of the courage of the Yemeni people in confronting the Zionist gang, is the extent of their adherence to moral and humanitarian values and their unlimited willingness to sacrifice, in order to achieve a just peace that guarantees the dignity, safety and security of all countries and peoples.

    The first step towards achieving this goal is serious Western popular action to put pressure on the Zionist gang to first paralyze its ability to harm the Western citizen who opposes it, and work to expose its crimes and the falsity of its claims, until stopping the crimes of genocide in Gaza, allowing the entry of food, medicine and fuel to its besieged population.

    Western peoples must draw inspiration from the experience of the Yemeni people in steadfastness in the face of the huge Zionist military machine.