PKMKII [none/use name]

Bio? You expect me to fill out a bio? Nice try, FBI.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I think it’s that Trump exposes that the type of people they think ought to run the world don’t conform to their vision of them. Like if this rhetoric was coming out of some used car salesman turned politician out of Iowa they’d just be “that’s the bumpkins for you.” But Trump is urban, private school and Ivy League educated, well to do businessman. It’s like a monarchist being confronted with the reality of their system of superior blood right breeding being a drooling Hapsburg jawed buffoon.

  • supreme court fash speedrun any% begins in earnest

    Begins? That shit goes back to at least them installing Dubya by decree.

    biden does his best cryptkeeper impression in the debate, the lyin’ lamestream media balks hard, swing state polls start leaking badly

    Just the latest symptom of how decayed and impotent the DNC have become.

    reads from post Trump calls for jailing and “televised military tribunals” of “Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, Mr. Pence, Mr. Schumer, Mr. McConnell and Nancy Pelosi”

    And he said he was gonna lock up Hillary, we saw where that went.

    xi presses the rare earth resources socialism button, presumably (or at least hopefully) in prep for pressing the ALL earth resources socialism button

    This is the one with the most “weeks where decades happen” potential, America desperately flailing its antiquated economic empire weight around to get that sweet battery tech/materials they didn’t bother to develop themselves and China just goes “lol nope.” And the associated treat fallout would splinter the U.S.

    heritage foundation president does a public threat of violence at the left, increasing his chances of being roadkilled by a significant factor (fingers crossed)

    Ehh these types are always saying shit like that.

    the west sez: zelensky your country is three embodied forms of corruption in a trenchcoat, yea we are gonna need you to take off that “i fought a losing war of attrition and all i got was a spot in NATO” tshirt you keep wearing on tv

    Americans are great at memory holing shit like that (see: Afghanistan in the 80’s), I fully expect libs to be “Zelensky who?” once the dust has settled.

  • Beijing’s Global Times mouthpiece quoted an anonymous American voter saying, “There must be something wrong with the system,” and another claiming that the U.S. democracy was failing.

    So the Global Times does a better job of reporting the state of mind of the American voter than the NYT.

    They have tried to plant the idea among their own people and their sympathizers in the West and developing nations that the United States is not a democracy at all but a dysfunctional oligarchy in terminal decline.

    So if Trump wins, will they accuse anyone saying he’s destroying democracy and turning America into a fascist oligarchy of being a Putin stooge?

    What matters is to demonstrate that the American elections in November will be a farce, in which voters are being duped into choosing between two equally unpalatable options.

    So reflecting reality, got it.

    Mr. Xi’s disastrous Covid policies that sapped business confidence and lengthened China’s recovery

    Shall we compare the death tolls?

    America, by contrast, has so far managed to bounce back from its deepest crises.

    Line on chart went up!