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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • There are some weird choices in here. Skimming the list I can see a few things I’ve read that surprise me. Fable by Adrienne Young is just a fairly generic YA fantasy thing for example, I can’t think of anything in that that would bother anyone. Victor & Nora: A Gotham Love Story is a melancholy backstory of a Batman villain, this is insane. I see a Catwoman book in there too, but it’s by Sarah J Maas and everything of hers appears to have been blanket-banned. I’m assuming that was included because Harley and Ivy are in it and they’re probably bi in that universe.

    How were these books chosen? Was it just a ctrl+f for words they didn’t like? There are some things missing that I’d have expected to see based on what I read back in high school, but I was more of a public library kid than a school library one because that’s where you could find the good stuff.

  • I finally finished The Way of Kings which I’ve been reading since last July. I love a good slow burn and was enjoying reading a chapter a week or so, but I couldn’t put it down for the last dozen chapters, it got so damn good. I’m taking a couple of weeks off work soon, so I might wait until I get back before I start the next one.

    For tonight I’m in a bad mood so I think I’ll stick with something quick and dumb like Kissing the Coronavirus to cheer myself up a bit. Or skim through an old comfort read like The Lies of Locke Lamora.

  • The families don’t care about the money, the point is to get him to stop doing this. He’s still saying Sandy Hook was a false flag, just like he does every single time there’s a shooting. He’s still spreading propaganda and lies every day, and still defaming people. His own lawyer argued that the amount was excessive specifically because Alex was going to keep doing the same thing anyway so the fine wouldn’t matter and they might as well reduce it. This isn’t about letting him do what he does and seizing the profits.

    There are so many people doing guy with a microphone news, as you put it (not that InfoWars can be considered news), that without his studio and company he’ll just be another one of these extremist grifters ranting on X 24/7 and will hopefully fade away. Reducing the amount of damage he can do to people is the goal.

  • A couple of these are interesting, but for my own sanity I have to refuse to accept most are commonly believed at all. Some are myths either way, like Satan ruling Hell or not isn’t real so it’s kind of a strange thing to include. I think the only one that really surprised me is the banana tree one, which is some interesting trivia but is so pedantic that if someone said that to me in person I’d just want to leave the room.

  • I really like it. The free version is completely useless sadly, but I paid for a month of premium, then when I tried to cancel the subscription they offered me 3 months at half price so I took it. I’ll probably keep it at full price when the discount period ends.

    I use it alongside Duo and Memrise (which is meant to be getting overhauled again sometime very soon) and I find it by far the most useful and enjoyable. I’m really only keeping those going for the streaks at this point.

    In LingQ you build a database of words you’ve seen which gets tracked across all media. You get a news feed of simple lessons and real atricles/videos, and you can import your own links so that you’re learning from real content, I used it for 3 weeks or so before importing an ebook. You tap new words to see their translation, then from then on its highlighted based on how familiar you are with it, and all lessons are broken down by the number of new/learned words so you can judge how difficult it will be before you go in.

    If you want to try it I can give you a referral link that will give you an extra 100 free words (I think it’s only 20 to start with, which is why I said it was completely useless up top - that’s like 2 sentences), and if you do end up paying after that I think I get a percentage towards my premium or something, idk.