Nematodes [he/him]

Anarcho-syndicalist looking for friends and learning.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • So fucking tired of this. Y’all sound just like the whiney people on 196 trying to get rid of tankies.

    " they are just a bunch of teenagers online" “I never met one in real life”

    When I am allowed to be a “real” Anarchist?

    Where’s the fucking line? When I dont critize MLs? I’m an anarchist online and in the streets. And I’m honestly so tired of having to come to the only real leftist community on Lemmy and still have to watch y’all bash anarchy with the same effort libs bash commies.

    I have problems with authority. And problems with the ideas of Marx. And the implemntation of communism throughout the life the USSR. Specifically the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the use of centralized authority.

    Im anti-capitalist, I’m anti-police and pro prison abolition. But I’m willing to work with other leftist toward the bigger issues. Like Palestine.

    When are anarchist going to be accepted in this community?

    Y’all honestly make me so sad. I go to I gotta read people licking Israel boot. I come here I got to watch y’all punch down on anarchy.

    Yall are a fuckin disappointment.

  • This graph assume Americans have thier own opinions. When in reality most Americans run solely off of outrage porn in two different flavors. The only reason they hate defacing property is “their news” told them “violent rioters bad”

    The average American knows so little of their own history they don’t know about the whisky rebellion. Much less of the struggles of commies in the 1920s-1930s.