
fan of beans and buns, JS enjoyer, Genshin addict

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 19th, 2023


  • a heck load of chemicals injected into a block of soy beans paste.

    Everything’s a chemical, this is just language used to make things sound scary. The taurin that cats need that isn’t found in vegan cat food is identical to the taurin in meat.

    Additionally WE can make that choice but cats that are obligatory carnivore would never choose vegan as they are obligated to do so.

    If you’re so concerned about a cat having a supposedly harmful (the science on this disagrees with you, to be clear) choice made for itself by the human who is keeping it, why are you fine with the choices made for the animals that are kept in awful conditions and then killed for cat food with meat in it? Those animals are also kept by humans and have choices made for them that are unnatural to them, and they are most certainly being harmed.

    If a vegan diet is ethical for a cat is unknown.

    The science on this is pretty clear, and there are plenty of examples of cats thriving on a vegan diet for many many years. Of course, it’s important to consult a specialist and give the cat regular checkups if switching its diet like this.

  • There’s so much content, even if you don’t play BL3, you’ll have a lot of fun! BL1 and BL2 have a GOTY edition with all the DLC (from memory, between 4 and 6 story DLCs per game, BL2 also has 2 additional characters and a sort of max lvl / extra difficulty mode), and are super cheap at this point. Do wait for a sale if possible, BL1 GOTY Enhanced is frequently 67% off ($10), and BL2 GOTY 80% off ($9)

    There’s also The Pre-Sequel, which came out after BL2 and plays between BL1 and BL2. Gameplay is like BL2 with some additions, but it’s not as good as BL2. Still worth playing imo, but the community is split on it. If you play it, even though it plays between BL1 and BL2, it’s intended to be played after BL2.

    A lot of the more interesting things regarding character builds & weapons happens in NG+ and NG++, you can spend ages just replaying it and farming bosses & chests in the endgame, and the coop is also really nice (but not at all required). I definitely recommend starting with the first one, and if you do, I think Lilith has by far the most interesting gameplay. In BL2, I think almost every character has fun gameplay, just Axton feels a bit boring to me personally.

  • A lot of people will disagree, but I loved Star Fox Adventures. It was easily my favorite Star Fox game.

    3D Rayman games, the only one I played was Rayman 2, so that’s all I can go off of.

    BIONICLE, the game to the movie was a bit janky, but so much fun!

    Pokémon Rumble: I remember only liking the first one (didn’t play the second), and really disliking Rumble U. There’s a mobile game now apparently, but…no thanks.

    A very obscure one: Onslaught, from the Wii Shop. A first person sci-fi shooter with Wii motion controls, playing on an alien planet with giant bug creatures. Quite reminiscent of Helldivers or Starship Troopers.

    Asura’s Wrath: I think a remake would be nice, not sure if there’s much space for a sequel, the ending fit quite nicely.

    Xenoblade Chronicles X: I’m gonna count this as its own franchise separate from the other Xenoblade games, and a remaster, remake or sequel would be amazing.

    Bonus: Borderlands 2 had a good setup for a sequel, an incredible villain and such great characters. I’d love to see where they’d take their stories, like Maya & Krieg. Should be about time for Borderlands 3, I’m sure it’d be great! (FUCK WHYYYYY)

  • If you mean 100% achievements on Steam for example, I really enjoyed doing that with the following games:

    • Slipstream (2018): arcade racing game, 7.5h to 100%

    • SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated (2020): platformer with some collectathon elements, 13h to 100%

    • Polyball (2017): think Super Monkey Ball, but a bit faster and stronger momentum iirc, gets quite difficult later on, and although the amount of content isn’t ridiculous, it’s very very hard to manage the requirements for 100%. My playtime is 59h, but I kept playing after 100% to get into the top 10 leaderboards on a bunch of levels, so I think it was more like 30-40h for 100%.

    • The Stanley Parable (2013): narrative game with some unconventional puzzle elements, 40h to 100%, but not really: one of the achievements is “play the game for the entirety of a Tuesday”, so that adds over 24h. Another achievement is to not play the game at all for 5 years. Some people love this silly stuff, some hate it, up to you :)

    • Firewatch (2016): narrative game with exploration and some puzzles, 6h to 100%.

  • Only if you arrived here with preconceived ideas.

    What preconceived ideas? I don’t know you, and I didn’t know anything about the situation the post was made about. You very clearly gave that impression in this discussion, particularly with the following statements:

    If someone’s pronouns make you feel unsafe, that’s more of an issue you need to work on than anything else IMO.

    And until such time as we find a way of reading people’s minds to determine their intentions, all we can do is respect what they tell us about who they are, and respond to their behaviour.

    But until such a time as I can read their minds to determine their intentions, so I can tell the lsabel Falls apart from the trolls, all can act on is their behaviour.

    I won’t act on someone’s pronouns alone, …

    Even in this very message, you just said “I’m not going to gatekeep people on their pronouns. I will address problematic behaviour”

    You repeatedly said that pronouns alone will not lead to any moderation actions. This directly contradicts your later statement in your reply to me, saying that dogwhistles and terms sexual in nature will lead to a ban.

    Requiring minors to use sexual terms to address you would get you banned.

    Again, glad to hear that, but if all someone did is put a sexual term as their pronoun, and that alone would not lead to a ban, a minor would be put in the situation of using that term or refusing and therefore misgendering. The user who set that as their pronoun in this situation didn’t do anything outside of putting those pronouns in their bio or next to their name.

    It was a term aimed at queer folk to dehumanise us. People are allowed to reclaim terms like that.

    Fair enough, I can’t disagree with that. However, in the case of using it or slurs as a pronoun, it would force others to use those terms to address others. So, unless I’m misinterpreting your statements, someone using the t-slur as their pronoun and me refusing to use it to refer to them would lead to a ban?

    You aren’t a user of this instance, and this isn’t a request for feedback, so if you disagree, that’s your prerogative, but that’s how it works here.

    lmao ok, it’s literally just a conversation based on a disagreement. Glad I didn’t make my account on here though, looks like I dodged a bullet.