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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023

  • For one, they’re not weebs they’re just anime otaku, but also that is only a subset of anime and it’s mostly just a judgemental stereotype. They have ads on the subway for birthday events for popular anime characters ffs. Many pachinko machines are anime themed, including after late night anime which are the negatively stereotyped ones. You know who doesn’t have enough money to be a profitable target for gambling establishments? People with no job living in a basement.

    And that’s all while ignoring that pretty much no one chooses that life style voluntarily and I see no reason to make fun of these people.

  • Ive only played like 4 hours yesterday (not like it’s been out for very long), but I guess for just seeing if it’s worth trying that works.

    I think the strongest point is definitely the style it has going on - it knows what it’s trying to do and the UI and art style work together to convey that. It’s similar to Persona 5 in that way, and imo if P5 is a 10/10 execution of this, ZZZ is at least a 9/10.

    I haven’t watched the trailer but the characters are certainly quite goofy, so what you said about it going for more comedy seems accurate. I didn’t have any actual laugh out loud moments though, it’s more of a generally amusing athmosphere they’re going for. The dystopian setting isn’t ignored but the overall vibes are definitely more on the fun than the depressing side.

    Combat has been fun so far, both perfect dodging and a form of blocking (by swapping characters when the enemy attacks) exist and are rewarded by the game. The blocking in particular feels really good imo. The stylishness of it all makes it enjoyable even though it’s not hard (at least so far, there will probably be harder content at some point since that’s how gachas usually work).

    So far I like it a lot, in many places it feels like a lot of passion went into it (though I feel similarly about all the mihoyo games I’ve played) in spite of it being a gacha. If you like the aesthetics I think you’ll at least have a good time for a while and can judge the rest for yourself.

  • Oh she definitely should have sold it from the start. Which directly goes against the claim that renting it out is totally risk free and free money.

    Even after the sale it barely covered the associated debt and renovation costs after the tenants though. The housing market isn’t equally fucked everywhere. Even if selling it immediately the surplus money would not have been able to support my stepdad (who is now living on disability and social security with some financial support from my mom) for more than a few years. If renting it out had worked, it actually would’ve.

    Why not get a company? Dunno precisely, probably because when money is that tight you don’t want to lose some to a company that does something that seems very doable by yourself.

  • Ah yes, my mom who ended up with 2 houses after remarrying (her new husband was terrible with managing finances so they decided to give the house and associated debts to her), barely scraped by financially, is a social parasite for wanting to rent out that other house because her new husband, after decades of physical labor, had become incapable of working full time and needed a way to have income later in life. Always had at least one tenant that was from hell in their own way btw and ended up selling the house to not succumb to the costs. Renting it out only caused losses.

  • China has an active genocide going on, recently effectively annexed Hong Kong, and is threatening Taiwan. They’re also a dictatorship, while the US at least has some semblance of democracy. A country like that exerting their power over the world unchecked seems in no way better. Probably not really worse than the US either, at least whenever there’s a republican president.

  • Achievements or multiplayer matching not being implemented in the game itself isn’t on GOG. They still allow you to download and launch any game you’ve bought, without even requiring galaxy.

    Also lesser known is the fact that there are DRM-free games on steam. Download them once, you can play without having steam running or even installed. Using a client to download isn’t inherently DRM either.

  • I recall two enjoyable books, both by Morton Rhue, being boot camp and the wave (and one that I liked but most people didn’t, kafka’s metamorphosis. Sure didn’t like having to interpret that though).

    At least early on they tried making us read enjoyable books, as in modern books aimed at teenagers, they just… weren’t very good.

    I think the peak of unenjoyment for me was Das Parfüm, which is technically somewhat modern. I tried reading it and was so bored I just couldn’t continue, ended up reading a synopsis somewhere and pretended to know what i was talking about.

    At least it never killed reading for me because by the time school made me read books I was already reading fantasy novels in my free time anyway.

  • Personally I just like my colleagues so it’s fun to be around them for the most part, and there are better lunch options around the office in my case (plus I’d never bother going somewhere when I’m home anyway). It being easier to just quickly ask a question is nice too. Also gets me actually out of the house and cycling for ~40 minutes a day. I also get way more done at work because working at the same pc I spend 90% of my free time at is not great at motivating my brain to do work.

    Still, if I didn’t have the option to just stay home when I don’t feel like going to the office/am waiting for a package or something, I’d find that very annoying.