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Cake day: January 3rd, 2024

  • Daily Mail’s swat at the story - I actually have no idea what’s going on:

    Terrified residents have taken to the streets of Leeds to defend their homes after ‘violent’ thugs drove riot police out after setting the city ablaze.

    Chaos erupted in Harehills, east Leeds early yesterday evening following an outbreak of ‘serious disorder’ that saw bonfires lit across the city, a cop car overturned and a double decker bus torched, reducing it to a charred and twisted wreck.

    Community members were forced to plead with the rabble as police, despite having first responded to the disturbance around 5pm last night, remained relatively absent from the mayhem until 1am today.

    Green Party councillor Mothin Ali, who after being elected to Leeds Council in May declared his victory a ‘win for the people of Gaza’, begged the rioters to stop, saying ‘there’s children in there’, as fires burned in the streets.

    Police and local officials urged residents to stay home as rioters flooded the streets around Harehills and roads were closed off. But hooligans continued to turn up to the area, with many livestreaming footage of the havoc on social media.

    The Home Secretary has condemned the ‘shocking scenes and attacks’ in the northern city and West Yorkshire police, which has been accused of intentionally avoiding the riot, vowed that the ‘full weight of the law will be brought against those responsible’.

    … And, again, we have something about children being taken into government care:

    Officers were called to an incident at an address in Luxor Street at 5pm on Thursday where they found an ‘ongoing disturbance’ involving agency workers and children, West Yorkshire Police said.

    Locals allege the chaos was linked to local children being taken into care, adding that some people in the community responded by setting fires and ‘throwing stones’.

    Daily Mail

    I don’t really know the story here, but people had fun.

  • I would be very slow to initiate but, ultimately, yes, if I were single.

    But it would also have to be one of those things where the connection was very real and strong early on - likely there’d be some lunches and unromantic meetings one has with a friend before hand. Then, if there’s a spark, advancing to a serious, committed relationship…

    So, in a sense, it wouldn’t be conventional dating, but more like advancing a friendship into a serious relationship.

    But I still think a ‘yes’ applies here.

  • I think nobody is ready for most morbid intrusive thought…! territory because it’s just horrible.

    I do not think of it even as an intrusive thought but literally the gibbering of demons, lol. But I suppose we could distinguish between random crazy thought involving violence or lust and recurring thought that seems plausible to you that is also morbid, but that also feels like cheating…

    But if the game is literally reveal the insanity that the god of evil & darkness has whispered to you, lol, IDK, that’s better if everyone present has drank a lot of booze and the drunkest person has broken the ice with something so insane that can’t be topped.

  • Here is what you actually do - I have done it twice.

    “Oh man, did you not dry your clothes all the way? I smell a little bit of mold or something, and it’s summer, and if they weren’t in the drier and they just dried in a confined space, they sometimes get a moldy smell…”

    And then they’ll kind of deny it’s them and that’s fine, and you just naturally change the topic…

    They’ll think about what was said and make the connection that

    • I smelt bad
    • It wasn’t my clothes…! Shit, it was me…!

    It gives them an honorable exit because you provide them something that they can blame that does not indict them for poor hygiene.

    Another way is to tell a story about ‘forgetting to wear deodorant on a hot day’ - this might work as well.

  • Slightly long story but this is hilarious…

    More than ten years ago, back as a college student, I was out with the bassist of my metal band. We were then both crazy, dysfunctional alcoholics (not we are both sober dads, lol)… But to get on with it…:

    We had a Friday night practice then he just came up to my part of the city to drink all night long… We slept in my dingy apartment until about 2 PM, then both woke up to go to the nearby park by the university to meet our friend Dima and continue drinking, seamlessly, without ever feeling hungover - on the path to the divine 48 hour drinking session.

    … By nightfall, our group had grown into the usual batch of metalheads and friends we had, and one of our mutual female friends was saying she knew we were in the park but not where we were, and as she was walking she began to think…

    “God, who the fuck smells so bad, where are these guys…”

    And when she approached our table of like half-a-dozen people, she realized it was chiefly my bassist and myself, and we were both super drunk and literally sweaty, baked men sitting in the sub-tropical humidity of the country we live in…

    She told me this story several years later, laughing about it, but this is what I remember when I think about that time I smelt really bad in public.

    (Of course it may have happened on other occasions due to marathon drinking in the summertime, but it was truly rare - I did not CHOOSE to smell bed; I just didn’t let hygiene get in the way of marathon drinking when I was younger & dumber.)