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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • LotrOrc@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldButter is serious business
    2 days ago

    No it’s not it’s specifically that companies can sell Americans the same food they sell in other countries but in those countries, the same food is made with much better ingredients.

    Look at the difference between the ingredient list in a Heinz ketchup bottle in the EU vs in America.

  • Having worked in IT about 12 to 15 years ago I can honestly say I just stopped believing people when they told me they did things or checked things because 99% of the time it was just a flat out lie.

    And taking them at their word meant wasting my own time because usually it was just a quick fix that I suggested in the first place.

    It quickly, quickly taught me that 99% of people are fucking idiots, and that even the smart ones who actually knew what they were doing with a computer could be idiots too.

  • During the same recovery we were handing out millions like candy to the richest amongst us?

    Why bail out airlines and giant conglomerates instead of the American people?

    I agree we need ranked choice voting and better candidates. I didn’t say people should not vote either. If that’s your argument against me, point out where I said people shouldn’t vote.

    You don’t get change unless you call out the issues. If every time someone says “hey this guy isn’t the best guy we could have,” or “hey, this isn’t the best system we could have,” the response of “well it’s always been this way” does nothing but keep excusing the massive disparities and injustices that are continuing to grow at this point.

    I’m sorry you guys can’t imagine a better world where people have better choices for candidates at the very least, and at the most a world where the system we generally live by is structurally changed.

    The bar gets lower every election cycle. If the best we can keep doing is “hey I’m not that guy”, then everything is going to just get shittier because that’s a pretty low bar to scale.

  • Lol so reading comprehension is the issue apparently

    Nowhere did I say they were the same I pointed out specific things they do that are equivalent

    That’s like me saying you’re a human and have two arms and two legs and you being like oh my God hitler has two arms and legs too you’re calling me hitler

    Go back to school, read some books, read some history, and try to have an original thought in your head one day

  • My God you guys have either the worst comprehension possible or you’re just being disingenuously annoying.

    Criticizing Democrats for doing undemocratic things is not the same as saying Republicans are better, and it’s not the same as supporting trump.

    Both parties are fully bought and paid for by corporate interests and massive lobbies, especially one specific lobby from another country that is carrying out a genocide right now.

    Pointing this out does not mean that you think trump is great. It means you can read the writing on the wall and that things need to change in a big way.