• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Ah I see, #5 is just the header you’re using. You aren’t using 5 total. That makes more sense.

    I don’t even have L-connect installed, but I did once upon a time. Maybe I changed a setting there and forgot about it, but I don’t think so. Either way it’s probably worth checking that your bios is set to “PWM” for that header, and that L-connect is set to “enable MB PWM Sync” under the fan/pump profile page. (Just from googling). Look for settings to turn off any L-connect interaction - forcing it to pay attention to the fan header?

    I’m wondering if your controller is somehow set to ignore the header pins and run from just the usb port/L-connect. And maybe on a power cycle, your mobo thinks there’s no fan?

    I dunno - I’m shooting in the dark now though. All I know is that my controller always shows up as a single fan, and all the attached fans run at the same speed - whatever the header calls for. No software installed, all wired connections are made, exhibits this same behavior regardless of OS, power cycles, reboots, etc.

    Sorry I’m not more help - it’s frustrating when things that should “just work” don’t.

  • “Fan 5 isn’t recognized”. This confuses me. Wouldn’t your motherboard only recognize the controller? For example I’m using two controllers. My motherboard sees a single cpu fan (the controller with 3 daisy chained fans on one port), and it sees a second chassis fan (the second controller with a 3 pack on one port, another three pack on the second port, and a single fan on the third port).

    10 fans, 2 controllers, mobo only sees 2 “fans”. Here’s a video showing exactly how I wired mine up, and the type of fans and controllers (maybe we don’t have the same parts).


  • Hmmm…. I’ve got those exact fans and the controller that comes with them - 10 fans to be specific, and they really haven’t given me any trouble at all. There are three sets of 3 daisy chained, and one single fan. They connect to a relatively new asus board. I’m running arch and openrgb from the aur.

    The fans doing fan things (spinning), that just works. They ramp up and down based on the case fan connector from the mobo. One three pack is on the radiator to an aio cooler and that triplet ramps up and down based on the fan speed header for the cpu.

    The LIGHTS are a different story. If I cycle power completely, they do the default rainbow puke when started back up. OpenRGB required a little configuration and playing around to get the number of lights correct, and synching properly-but it worked. (I can get you my settings in openRGB if that helps avoid the trial and error). Because my mobo still supplies power when I power down, the lights hold their last pattern when I reboot.

    So in my experience-those fans spin without any software and light up at least rainbow puke without any software. You only need software to get different colors or to just override the fan header and set a manual speed.

    I’m wondering what your computer/mobo is doing to stop that. Weird.

  • I’ve been trying to do the same thing for years. Mostly just for fun / is it possible. I’ve come to the conclusion that “it depends”.

    Things that really help:

    • Keyboard & trackpad
    • Cloud storage that works across all your devices (synology NAS, o365, dropbox, etc)
    • O365 subscription / Google docs environment for working with office
    • Cell phone connection
    • A good note taking application that supports templates

    Things that used to suck but Apple has improved:

    • File manager
    • Zip file support

    Things that are actually easier:

    • Writing on documents digitally (some professions still do a lot of manual writing on paper - this digitizes all that automatically, but you can still work with paper processes)
    • Smallest size (great for travel)
    • Engineering sketches / paper math / (maybe drawing I dunno not an artist)
    • “Grandma computer” all she does is facebook anyway - but she can’t click on stuff and get viruses
    • Media consumption-books, reading docs, audiobooks, etc.

    Things that suck:

    • iOS applications are neutered versions of desktop programs (think iOS word/excel - they work, but they can’t do the big boy tasks)
    • File management is still clunky if you have a format iOS doesn’t recognize. Have fun with that tarball or 7zip file. It’s possible, but clunky.
    • Small screen eliminates many professional tasks (coding, drafting, admin with multi monitors)
    • No ability to use corporate programs like a specific vpn
    • No ability to run virtual machines/real programs - (although that changed a couple of days ago - Google UTM SE)
    • Good luck keeping your files synced unless you’re running some kind of cloud storage. Synology NAS works really good for me - but not everyone has that option.
    • $$$
    • Gaming? LOL

    Summary: Student who takes a lot of notes and writes a lot of papers? It’s actually a pretty good option.

    Old person computer? 100% check. It’s really the best option if you don’t want to forever be family tech support.

    Secondary travel pc for work? Works great here too and small for plane trips. Battery life rules.

    Real work? Coding, engineering programs, etc - hard pass. Writing and artists? - maybe…. General office worker who interfaces with everything via webpage? - yes if you can deal with the small screen and lack of mouse support.

    Gamer? Come on now, you already knew the answer to that ;)

  • Kongar@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldI'm confused
    6 days ago

    How about thousands of people stop voting literal idiots into office like MTG or Boebert? Kentucky are you there? McConnell never helped your avg Kentucky person out - just his buddies at the corporate conglomerates.

    I dunno, seems like there’s a very simple and effective solution here, but there’s too many stupid hate filled racists here for this to work.

    We get what we deserve…

  • I went to college in 93, and they ran a Unix mainframe with thin clients connected to it in the computer labs.

    I didn’t really know much about any computers then, but I learned quick and had nerdy friends teach me a lot. Home computers ran DOS, but this fancy thing called Linux had entered the scene and nerds played with it.

    I remember it being a bear. My comp sci roommate did most of the work, but he’d dole out mini projects to me to help him out. You had to edit text files with your exact hardware parameters or else it wouldn’t work. Like resolutions, refresh rates, IRQs, mouse shit, printer shit - it was maddening. And then you’d compile that all for hours. And it always failed. Many hardware things just weren’t ever going to work.

    Eventually we got most things working and it was cool as beans. But it took weeks - seriously. We were able to act as a thin client to the mainframe and run programs right from our apartment instead of hauling ourselves to the computer lab. Interestingly, on Linux, that was the first time I had ever gotten a modem and a mouse working together. It was either/or before that.

    It was both simultaneously horrific and fantastic at the same time. By the time windows 95 rolled out, the Unix mainframe seemed old and archaic. All the cool kids were playing Warcraft 2 and duke nukem 3D.

  • I’m not sure I’d go that far to be honest. 1) windows behaves much better when it has its own drive to install on and 2) linux boot loaders become less important because if you break it, you can use your bios to force boot windows and it’ll still boot.

    IMHO, two drives is the way to go with dual boot. Set the Linux drive in the bios as the primary boot drive, and configure the bootloader to add the windows drive to the menu. While you’re learning that, you can boot windows through the bios, once you get it, you’re always presented with a menu upon boot to pick which one you want.

    One final word of advice, buy different drives. Either manufacturer or size. It’ll be easier to tell them apart when you’re doing disk operations.

    Good luck!

  • Listen, I’m far from a Trump fan. And I don’t think he personally did anything productive ever personally. But facts are facts - his administration DID do a lot to help (or at least that was my personal experience). As one single example of many, I personally got help from warp speed White House / military folks to get me critical parts from the other side of the world in a little over a day. Asia to my doorstep, Friday end of day to Sunday morning. I thought I’d have to go to the port and pick it up - nope right to my damn hands. That one simple act literally got that vaccine into people about 2-3 weeks earlier.

    It’s baffling - they did good things. Not all the good things, but good things nonetheless. And he was in a position to take credit for the whole thing, deserved or not and put a big feather in his cap. And then, all of a sudden, “vaccines are bad”. It’s like you can’t make this shit up. If he was smart he’d take that one thing and rile up his base with how amazing he is, and then get away with murder behind their backs. But instead he punches the gift horse in the mouth.

    That’s how I know he’s not very smart.

  • Kongar@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldSeriously, where do I go?
    25 days ago

    You really can’t get bluer than mass ri conn and vt

    Southern nh and southern me are basically Boston suburbs. As you go north it gets more red. But not like sc (I have family in sc and outside of the blue cities - ya they are pretty maga stupid). They are more “leave me alone red” as opposed to “my pastor said abortion is bad and I like to make fun of the gays”

    I mean there’s maga idiots everywhere-but honestly things might even tip a little too blue in southern New England.

  • I just finished the first trilogy which starts with “Red Rising”. It was really entertaining, and I highly recommend it. I’ll start the follow up series soon.

    Right now I’m reading both Salem’s Lot by King and The Catcher in the Rye. I like to throw in classics that I missed in high school - I didn’t appreciate them then, but I’ve found a few as an adult that I’ve absolutely loved. Both books are pretty good so far - we’ll see how they end.

  • I went to this train and automobile museum place in Maine. Podunk little place, but pretty cool and they really did have a lot of old cars to look at.

    What shocked me was the size of the cars. Like huge ford expedition max trunk bigger than a pickup’s bed size.

    Then I thought about the cars of the 70s and 80s. My old man’s Cutlass Supreme could easily fit 6 and had a huge trunk. God help you if your auntie drove a station wagon - there might have been a dozen kids piled into that sucker going to the beach.

    Then I look at current suvs. They are pretty small comparatively speaking. I can’t get 5 into my grand Cherokee comfortably. Ya there are some huge suvs, but they aren’t the norm. The mini suvs are more common.

    My unpopular opinion - the new “car” is an suv. And they have gotten smaller over the years, not bigger.