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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • I absolutely love doing this with vanilla ice cream and various sodas. The classic is, of course, A&W root beer for floats. But orange soda, cream soda, Dr. pepper and even regular Cola flavours are all so yummy!

    Where I came from, we actually put vanilla soft serve inside of Slurpees, Frosters, or other soda flavoured iced drink like a slush. We called them Screamers, because of how cold they were.

  • CloudFlare has an issue with you if you’ve previously failed human checks or are using a contained browser, with or without VPN and ad blocking extensions. They check your browsing history, and what other human checks you may or may not have failed, just by you using the internet. If they can’t set a validation cookie for tracking you between other CloudFlare services, they may treat you as a bot and hang your connection.

    I typically fail the “Select all the motorcycles” test because they show me scooters all the time. By doing that, my computer gets marked as suspicious, slowing down some of my connections that need to go through CloudFlare, sometimes just hanging my connection for a little time.

    A serious question does arise, though. Have you tried using a regular chromium type browser to see its headers sent to CloudFlare to identify what might need to be sent?

  • Thanks so much for your insight!

    I’m a self-taught programmer as well. Started with the basics way back when like Atari basic, GWbasic, built into Forth of all things, then C++/C#, PHP, JavaScript, etc., then into frameworks like Node, React, Vite , Laravel, CakePHP and stuff.

    I followed the Ruby online tutorial. It seems a lot like Zoho’s Deluge, but I heard it isn’t as optimized as Rust, so thank you for talking about Rails :) I’m excited to see what I can build!

    Also thanks for the warning about outdated Gems.

  • I’m sure this is only a me thing, but for me I found it easier to concentrate on specific sounds… Like the ringing in my ears.

    As a kid, I’ve always had ear ringing, but it doesn’t bother me too much in day to day life. I do have to ask people to repeat themselves if I’m not focused directly on them or cant read their lips, but at night or quiet moments, the ringing is a soft and gentle sound, like someone running a moist finger over the rim of some crystal ware. Very nice in winter on a soft moonlit night

    I focus on that ringing in a nice quiet and dark room, let it sing in my ears, and then close my eyes.

    I then focus on the funny golden geometrical sparkles, triangles, and if I relax, a small black circle with a white border starts to show up. It seems like a 2D object, constantly rotating quickly on a 3D plane, but slowly grows bigger.

    For some reason, I find these oddities comforting. The visuals remind me a bit of the pressure halo’s in your vision when you get a migraine, but without the pain, and covering the field of vision with your eyes closed only.

    Once when I was 4, I let that black circle engulf the entirety of my vision as I lay in bed, and the black faded into a creamy golden background with rainbow confetti falling. Obviously it’s not really, just some other strange visuals.

    Ahem. In either case, I use these to focus and relax at night to tell my brain to shut up.

  • I’m glad my company speaks a different language than English, and can’t use all the word soup completely. That said, my company is also wondering why my timesheets never add up to the entire day because always in meetings, scrum, or “can we jump on video chat for a sec because it’s easier to explain vocally than in writing”… And that “sec” turns into a 30 minute tutorial I have to give.