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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • No, nor should they try, nor should they stick with their current seemingly nonsensical policy ideas about guns.

    The “gun problem” as it stands is really more of a symptom of our mental health crisis, our ridiculously confrontational “news” cycle, and a number of other HUMAN factors that aren’t going to be solved by banning a particular model of gun, though and no one seems to want to hear that.

    Screeching “Ban the right’s favorite model of toy” right before an election is beyond tone deaf, and an incredibly dumb move politically that won’t do squat except mobilize the NRA voters to vote the other way, which we DO NOT NEED with democracy in this country at stake.

    I can personally count multiple handfuls of coworkers and acquaintances who might have voted for him that will now vote trump or stay away from the polls over this.

  • Well, that should be reassuring to those who need it, then. The wound was neither fatal nor healed.

    Not that a candidate bearing multiple points of uncanny RESEMBLANCE to what the Bible says the Church should WATCH OUT FOR in the personage of the antichrist so that they don’t accidentally end up following him because they were among the deceived has managed to stop many of them so far, but hey, if it avoids water like a duck with late stage rabies, we should put it on the lifeguard stand.

  • Aside from one (seemingly very out of place at the time) early mention that the author used Bitcoin, there was no hint of it being pro-bitcoin until the very, very end.

    I found it to be a very worthwhile article right up until that point and even slightly intriguing from an academic perspective after that point.

    I despise the endless blind parroting of the typical cryptobro refrains elsewhere on the Internet when crypto is brought up and I still liked the article, so I wouldn’t write it off just because one guy with a cryptohammer inevitably sees the very real SMTP problem as a cryptonail in the end. It’s natural when you have a “solution in search of a problem” situation like we do with crypto (and block chain, and for that matter SharePoint. People with knowledge of a thing often try to use it to solve problems it probably wasn’t meant for.)

  • Because no one is answering you, “hawk tuah” is the nickname for a lady who got stopped by one of those annoying YouTubers/tiktokkers doing the old nighttime talk show “man on the street” gig, stopping pedestrians and asking them stupid questions in the hopes of getting an equally stupid or funny answer.

    The question was something like “what’s the most whatever thing you can do in bed with a guy that something something” or whatever, I forget the specific question because it reminded me of the crap you see on the cover of cosmopolitan magazine.

    Anyway, this gal says the functional equivalent of “spit on his dick(to lube him up)” only she says it like “you gotta give it that HAWK TUAH” making a sound like she’s Hocking up a huge lugey and spitting it out in the downward direction.

    She is now known as hawk tuah and I think someone is trying to put her on reality TV.

    • “Why are we talking about Biden when we SHOULD be talking about Trump!?”

    What I mean when I utter something like this is: “why are we laser-focused on a few of Biden’s relatively minor (IN COMPARISON) gaffes/mistakes/issues/flaws when the laundry list of shit that’s bad about Trump is TWO ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE LARGER?”

    If you count up every bad thing Trump has done that would be on looping repeat on fox news for weeks if Biden or Obama said/did it, you’d hit five digits before you got back to Trump talking about grabbing women by the pussy. It’s fucking LUDICROUSLY one-sided. And non-fox stations are not much better. Think about it.

    • "Why is the media giving Trump so much attention!?!

    So much POSITIVE attention.

  • So according to the head of the catholic church, slagging off the pope is worse than fucking children?

    One is just cause for excommunication according to the rules. Excommunication is a very specific punishment for very specific religious things.

    Stealing communion wine could technically earn you an excommunication depending on how it was done and what was done with the wine.

    The rules behind excommunication are practically ancient at this point but they weren’t there to prevent all sins, just be punishment for specific things that were threatening to the absolute shitshow that the organization itself was a long ass time ago.

    The fact that it’s still a shitshow as an organization, albeit a slightly different KIND of shitshow has no bearing on this situation in particular.

    Let’s be fair, though. All kiddy diddlers are in the depths of iniquity and should have long since been addressed under what’s said in scripture and held to account on that regardless of any talk of excommunication.

    Clergy should have been removed for choosing to actively live in sin and then punished according to the law.

  • they could really tell the IRS to audit 501© and remove their status from the churches and bullshit Republican charities

    That would be juuuuuust about the dumbest thing they could possibly do. It would mobilize gigantic swaths of voters who are heavily invested in rhetoric over fact-checking.

    Doing away with Roe mobilized many of those voters who could be considered to be fence sitters towards the left. Removing church tax exemptions would move them right back and it would do NOTHING to solve the problem, because while the actual big offenders are happily USING the hell out of that tax exemption, they’re rich enough that they’ll get along fine without it.

    It WOULD hurt a whole lot of TINY churches that employ 1-50 people per church and actually do community work, though. All of those would go away. That’s a LOT of rural food shelves.

    I’m largely against the religious tax exemption, but that’s a problem we should worry about AFTER we can replace the nationwide infrastructure we’d be dismantling by doing so with something at least as effective as what’s there now.

  • My point is if we down vote with the assumption that a post is from a bot, instead of engaging in good faith with a person who likely has reasons, no matter how misguided, for believing what they do, then we are actually doing the work of our enemies for them

    You know what? You’re absolutely right about this.

    It is too easy to fall into “sounds like a bot, must be a bot” as a mode of operation when it may just be an actual person poking out of an echo chamber for a minute to see what things are like elsewhere. Instantly shutting them down is probably part of WHY there’s so much “the leftists are an echo chamber” rhetoric being advanced in right-leaning circles…because that’s what that would look like if you were on the receiving end of a downvote for doing nothing more than saying what YOU think is the truth, especially if it’s all you’ve heard and still think noone’s lying to you.

    I not quite in a spot where I think I can equate downvotes with censorship, possibly because I don’t fully understand how lemmy treats them in comparison to reddit, but I will definitely be much more careful with mine.

    Thank You.

  • If any of y’all catch a whiff of criticism, you start screaming “bot” and slamming down votes

    And that’s not awesome, but…

    What’s a more productive way to deal with the very real, very extant, very anti-community onslaught of bots and psyop style political manipulators invading lemmy like it’s facebook in 2015?

    Refuting those bots with fact-checking is all well and good as a form of actual political activism but at what point does giving bad actors who outnumber those with a desire to do good and promote honest discussion become futile? Bots don’t tire, mods do.

    I want a better solution, too, but when the comments start sounding like bot propoganda, I think it’s okay to downvote.