• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Yes with inflation games are proportionately less, but let’s also not forget that wages have stagnated while inflation has ballooned. People literally aren’t earning much than they were in the 90s (well, the average person, the inflation money has gone to the dragons). The price of games relative to mean wage is fairly consistent IIRC.

    But yeah everything else is pretty true. And we all look back on games as kids with rose colored glasses. I remember when majoras mask was photorealistic to me almost!

  • For sure! It really depends on where you are in the world. Here in Belgium, black beans are more expensive and not in most German-owned grocery stores and white beans are everywhere. Chickpeas are always easy to find most places it seems. Lentils are also harder to find, but once you do that here are some lentil tricks:

    Red and black lentils: boil for 15 minutes MAX otherwise they will turn to mush. Use smoked paprika, bay leaf, tumeric, black pepper, in the water. Add salt in the beginning

    Green lentils: boil for 20-25 minutes. Season with paprika, bay leaf, thyme, rosemary, and black pepper. Add salt at minute 15, otherwise they take longer to cook.

    General beans and lentils. Look into a ton of middle eastern and indian foods as lentils and beans are staples there.

    Minamalist baker website and Soph’s plant kitchen have a TON of banging recipes. Pretty much any salad can be improved with black beans, chickpeas, or white beans depending on the style. Any sort of minced meat sauces can be replaced by mushrooms and lentils. Black beans + sweet potatoes are also a great combo and it is very easy to meal prep things like Buddha bowls and grain bowls for lunches.

  • Oh boy, one of these… Someone just trying to justify foods that they like.

    Antioxidant people are ridiculous. Studies have shown marginal results at best for anti oxidant rich diets IIRC. A nice benefit, but not something to base a lifestyle around…

    Peanut butter is NOT a good source of protein unless you are trying to bulk or have a high fat diet. If you sort foods by protein per 100 calories or similar, nut butters drop off the list. Wheat bread literally has more protein than peanut butter. Beans and lentils have the same protein at a fraction of the calories. Not to mention that many peanut butters are made with palm oil with high saturated fat to keep costs down.

    100g of Almonds literally have the same amount of fiber as 120g of black beans with more than 3x the calories and significant cost difference.

    By this person’s reasoning, why is Tofu, wheat bread, raspberries (the food with the highest fiber per calorie of any food I have found), tempeh, etc… Not on the list while tomatoes, oranges, lemons, and watermelon, which is literally sugar water. Don’t get me wrong, I love and eat all of them, but it is not a health super food to “eat every day.” They are fine, but they aren’t pinnacles of nutrition… They add flavor, texture, and acid to dishes to round them out, and because they are good sources of flavor, you don’t need a ton of them to build a meal. They aren’t a source of nutrition. You aren’t going to eat 10 large tomatoes in a sitting to get less protein and fiber than a small bowl of legumes…

    When you list 35 foods, you are just listing a broad portion of foods you like. What is the point of this besides half of it being pseudoscience “miracle compounds” inside chosen foods like this crap:

    which, among other useful traits, may stimulate collagen synthesis to keep skin looking supple.

    Just eat lots of all sorts of vegetables, berry fruit, eggs, and beans and lentils, and try a bunch of different recipes from different cultures and you will be healthy and have a wide variety of flavors to not bore you. It is not complicated and you don’t have to follow blog lists…

  • I really never understand why right wing governments without exception choose to not only hinder, but actively remove green energy. Like, I get hindering it because they are all owned by fossil fuel oligarchs, but actually spending taxpayer money to dismantle it makes no sense whatsoever. It is already there, just ignore it??? There is literally no downside to just ignoring it. If the right shut the fuck up about green energy and just went with it, they could solve half of their impending “immigrant problem” and could focus effort on fucking up and making other parts of the country worse like they want… Plus if climate change ends up not being “a hoax” 🙄, then they get to continue being parasites instead of their nationalism and identity falling apart as the world does.

  • I moved over 4000 miles away with overseas shipping on a pallet that traveled about half the distance in a truck by land.

    Here is how I did it:

    GPU in its original box since that was made for sea shipping.

    HDDs taken out, wrapped in foam, and put in boxes.

    Other components stayed in the case, but the case was filled with large air pocket packing material to support the air cooling block. Computer was then put in the original case box and stored with the orientation of the cooling block vertical. The side to side movement is eliminated with the packing material and less stress was placed. Safer yet would be to remove the cooler if it is air.

    If you have a glass side panel, make sure it is surrounded by packing material.

    That is it! Everything arrived in perfect condition except for some books which got wet from the humid saltwater air in an enclosed space.

  • Racism is not fascism. Imperialism is not fascism. Nationalism isn’t facism. They are characteristics that sometimes or often lead to facism. Facism has a fairly explicit definition. Things can be a part of each other and overlap each other without being each other.

    If I make a snowman, that doesn’t mean that the carrot is a snowman or every snow sphere is a snowman. You can say that when you see me laying out the carrot with 3 balls of snow and a hat, it is leading to a snowman, but it has not always been a snowman.

    But yes, facism is a huge danger and on the rise all over the world. Not even just in white western countries either.

  • Sorry, I misunderstood what you are trying to do here. I thought you were trying to use the Atom Echo itself as a media player. Disregard that arduino library comment, it isn’t relevant. I just watched the video since I couldn’t earlier.

    Indeed what you are doing should work. Are you certain that the upload was successful? With GPIO21 set as the speaker output, the speaker data should absolutely not work. The fact that it does means that somewhere along the line, the GPIO22 is set as the speaker output.