Jacobo_Villa_Lobos [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • OP is cooking up some delicious copypasta

    Raygun meant 👀 to do 🤤 that 👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉 Dr. 👨 Rachael Louise “Raygun” Gunn is a lecturer at Macquarie University, Australia, 🇦🇺 who 📷 has 👏 extensively 👀👣🦱👄🦱 studied and participated in 🔙📥 the Sydney breaking 😩 (more ➕ commonly known 💫 as break 💥 dancing) 👯‍♂️ scene. 🤝🌅 Her 👩 work 🏢 has 👍 primarily focused 😤 on 🔛 studying social 👥 dynamics in 😛 the breaking 😩 scene 🤝🌅 from 😮🐣 feminist 🙅 and queer 👭 perspectives: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=LLebtn8AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra. Gunn has ♌ also ✅😒 demonstrated outstanding ability in 📥👇 the breaking 😩 scene, 🎬 having 🈶 won 😉😉 numerous 👎🏻🐆💯💯 competitions across 🤭 Oceania and garnering wide respect 😱 from 👉 other 💰 Australian breakers. 💔 Gunn has 👏 also 👨 been 🍯 widely 🌎 reported 😱 as having 👉 a background in 👈🔱 Jazz, Tap dancing, 👯‍♂️ and Ballroom dancing. 🕺 I 👈 put 😏 it to you 😱🤯😳 that 📝 Rachael Gunn is intimately familiar with breaking, 😩 to a much 🙀💘 higher 👆 degree than 👉👉 most 💯👥 breakers, 💔 having 😋 both 🌜 personal 💻 and academic experience 😋 with the scene. 🎬 Her 🏻 academic work 😠📝 breaking 😩 down ⬇️ elements of the scene 📰📞 indicate a detailed understanding 🌞 of the moves, 🕺💃🌟 speech, 🗨 social 👥 and cultural contexts, modes of dress, 👗 relationship with gender, 🚹 and numerous 👎🏻🐆💯💯 other 💰 individual 🥖 aspects. She 💁‍♀️ also ➕👨😛 has 🌳 a detailed understanding 🌞 of her 👸 relationship to the scene, 🎬 having 👉 written a paper 🧻 titled The ethics of living 😮😮 a double 👥 life: 😷 rethinking ownership, authenticity, and identity 🆔 in 👇 hip hop 👆 culture, 🏛️🎭🌎 and spoken 😣 in 🙌👏 interviews of being 😑🙄 white 👨🏻 and middle 🤬 class 🏫 in 👏 a scene 🕑 that 🥀 grew from 😂🙃 socially impressed 😳 minorities. 👶 So how 🤔 could 👈 someone 👤 with the demonstrated knowledge 🥖😷🤒 and ability of Raygun not ⛔ score 💯 a single 🚫👆 point 👉🏻 at all, 💯 having 👉 reached the Olympics as the highest scoring competitive b-girl in 🧚🏻 Oceania? Indeed, 👌 Martin Gillian, head 🗣 breaking 😩 judge 👩‍⚖️ at the Olympics, praised 👏🙏 her 👸 performance, and she’s 🏆💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️ received 💌 extensive support 👍 from 🤤 the breaking 📦 community 💰 in 💖 defence of her 💁‍♂️ routine, so a score 🎼 of zero 👆🏻 seems 👀 impossibly unlikely. The inclusion of breaking 📦 at the Olympic games 🎮 was a controversial topic 🧕🏽😷 ahead 🏻🏻 of its debut, primarily due 💢 to concerns 😟 over ↘️ the corporatization and dilution of breaking 📦 culture 🏛️🎭🌎 inclusion would 💀 bring, 😑 and was widely 🌎 criticised by 😈 the breaking 📦 community. 👩👩 One ☝️ person 👫 who 🤷 studied the divide ➗ in 1️⃣4️⃣9️⃣2️⃣ opinions 👏👏 was Dr 👨 Rachael L 💀 Gunn, who 🤷👫 in 👏 2023 published 🤓 The Australian breaking 😩 scene 📹🎬 and the Olympic Games: 🎮 The possibilities 💡 and politics of sportification, which 👏 criticised the IOC and WDSF’s implementation and homogenisation of the scene. 📰📞 From 🚥 the conclusion 🔚 of the paper: 📄 >[…] the concerns 😟 are centred on 🔛 the impact 💰 upon 💰 culture, 🏛️🎭🌎 and a potential 💪🏼🧠 loss ❌ of agency 🧑🏼‍💻 and self-determination. Isolated from 👉 neighbouring countries, 🇺🇸 and consisting of distinct, localized scenes 🎬 guided by 😆 individual 🥖 agents, top-down decision-making led by 😈 the WDSF already 👋 impacts the social 🤳👬 organization, ✊ identities and hierarchies of respect 💯 within 🎉 the Australian breaking 😩 scene. 🎬 >While 🐏 sport 🎣 and the Olympics are framed as ‘great 👍 equalizers’, the exclusivity of Australia’s sporting institutions along 🕺💃 gendered, class 😛 and racialized lines ➖ means 🙌🏻😮 that 💯 breaking’s sportification may 🤷📅 in 👊 fact 😽 impact 💰 the accessibility of breaking. 📦 While 💯 the ABA aims to ensure 🤗 that 👹 Australian breakers 💔 retain self-determination and agency 🧑🏼‍💻 through 💸 this Olympic process, 💻 there 💓💔💑 are many 👬 obstacles that ⏪👀 come 🕺 with the introduction 🎮 of concepts like 💋❤️ governance, transparency and accountability. Making 🏽 global 🌎 what 😦 is essentially 💯 a localized practice invariably requires 📣 standardization, homogeneity, professionalism and risks 😐 further 🌉 moving 🚚 breaking 📦 away 😂 from 🧚‍♀️ its African American 🇺🇸🦅 and Latin 🔠 cultural traditions and histories. I 🙋🏻‍♀️ put 🚮🚮🚮 it to you 😈 that 👊👉 Raygun’s olympic performance was in 🧚🏻 fact 📕 carefully 👌 calculated 🚜🚜 to show 📺 off 📴 breaking 😩 without ❌ meeting 🥩🥩 a single 🚫👆 olympic criteria, as a protest against 🚫 the inclusion of the sport, 🏁 choosing to show 🌵 breaking 😩 off 🎮 as an artistic 👨‍🎨🎨 medium 🔉 rather 👉 than 😻 athletic 👟 one. 😡 Using 🤳 movements 📦 that 😐 were 👥👥 specifically 🔵🔵 contextual to Australia’s presence 🏽 in 👍🏻 an international 🌎🌎 space, 🌎 her 👸 performance was a criticism of the IOCs attempt 🚫 to represent 🇺🇸 breaking 😩 as a gymnastic sport 🚴 rather 👉 than 😻 artistic 👨‍🎨🎨 expression, and directly intended to sabotage the inclusion of breaking 😩 - and expected 🤰🙄 resulting gentrification of the scene 🎬 - in 👏 the Olympics. Currently 😗 it has 👏 been 🍯 confirmed 🚤 that 🚪 the 2028 Olympic Games 🎱 will 🔥 not 🙅 feature breaking, 📦 and there 😌 are currently 😗 no ⛔ plans 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 to include 📲 it in 🙈 the 2032 Games. 🎮 Raygun wins. 🏆