Ivysaur [she/her]

A non-stop attack move. The user’s ATTACK power increases every time it sustains damage.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 24 days ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2024


  • For the record this is why I migrated my lemmygrad account to hexbear, eventually. Y’all got your fair share of libs here too but I still get a generally better vibe here. The mods over there removing the pushback but none of the anti-social, anti-science shit tells me all I need to know, anyway, and is at least vindicating.

    I’ll say the same thing I said there: I don’t care how much of a struggle it is to mask in public anymore, because I do not get a choice. My immune system has been fucked up for the last 20 years due to biological lottery. I mask, or I die. You’re not saving the world by masking alone, but you are saving every sick person who has to go to the grocery store and brave the odds again for the 1500th day in a row (if they’re one of the lucky ones) from getting it from you, another potential risk vector. If your actions could swing the pendulum even slightly, if they could marginally tip the odds toward saving even one life in a tidal wave, why wouldn’t you do it? When you tell me your masking does nothing in the face of an apathetic society, when you tell me masking is “virtue signaling”, you tell me you are not serious. You tell me to my face that you are throwing your lot in with my enemy; you are ok with leaving me behind, for them. So I will treat you with the seriousness — and vitriol — you actually deserve, a grace not given to me or people like me as you kill us.

  • My wife works with hundreds of people, mostly kids and their families every day. She’s the only one who wears an N95 for her whole shift and commute, just about 12 hours total. She’s been there a year and we have not once been sick. There is always an element of luck when no one else is contributing to mitigation, but it can’t just be luck for that long. Respirators that fit your face are extremely, extremely good at protecting you, and everyone around you. They are always worth it.

  • This is a good question and the unfortunate answer I’ve come to is that ableism is the ur-ism among us all. It is horrifying in its complete grasp on pretty much everyone alive. Ableism and health supremacist attitudes make even the lowest among us see even lower, and it keeps us complacent. “I got covid and I’m fine. It sucks if you’re disabled but the world has to go on.” - every person on the left I’ve tried to agitate this point to.

    It is a deprogramming within a deprogramming, and I don’t even know where to begin to fight it with the urgency it requires.

  • There are countries that exist and also aren’t the US of A. We had remote schooling here for two years.

    Correct. I was worried that my wording was poor since most who say this are from the US, where any efforts at mitigation were minimal at best, so I apologize. I am not entirely educated on how the rest of the world outside of China and New Zealand handled things for the early pandemic, so I often just presume it was like us: terribly.

    I don’t know how to say with grace that I just do not think remote learning is the boogeyman we should point our fingers at, so I will leave it at that.

  • I don’t believe this. The remote learning thing was, to my knowledge, mandates for something like three months (a summer vacation) at most pretty much everywhere in the country and you’re telling me this completely stunted any part of the growth of children? Not everything else that we continue to subject children to since then? I’m losing my mind and don’t feel like I know how to socialize anymore as an adult who has not been to school in decades because I’m being gaslit by everyone around me 24/7 going on five years and counting. No. Kids are not stupid. We are doing this to them and if remote learning for brief periods of time sporadically through 20-21 has anything to do with it (and I do not believe it does) then it is extremely minimal in comparison to the sheer terror and ongoing psychic charade we have subjected them to daily since 2020.