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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • This is definitely one of those truths. In situations like this, it’s both right that someone should be their best happiest self…but it’s also true the other partner had their own expectations for a relationship, which might not be one where she’s partnered to someone taking their life in a wildly different direction than what was expected early in the relationship.

    It’s a case where neither party is necessarily wrong, but things can end up hurting on both sides. Kind of like if other things were thought to be communicated early on, and is changed…like someone saying they’re child free then trying to have a baby, or someone saying they intend to focus on career then doing something to wildly impact finances of the couple. Changing one’s mind isn’t wrong, nor is growing and learning about yourself, it’s natural, but it can cause an incompatibly to pop up in a relationship that hurts or ends it, esp if it’s not talked about, and esp if it’s on a topic that greatly changes the nature of a relationship from the original agreement or assumptions and beliefs.

  • It can be other things. Some of why I didn’t get stuff done when younger was actually a symptom of PTSD from unrelated trauma. Basically my stress response is messed up and so anything I could link to stress or shame can make me avoidant, which snowballs into not doing the thing and more stress.

    When I unlinked daily tasks from shame and stress I could suddenly do them, as I actually have ok executive functioning when PTSD isn’t messing with me to cause avoidance which as I understand would not really be the case for ADHD. Although PTSD and the like can also pop up in ADHD people who were bullied for their symptoms.

  • What an awful woman.

    It turns my stomach that this kid was doing exactly what I did 20+ years ago to get out of my situation (reach out to the school for counseling and help and affirmation) and the mom is going scorched earth because her right to get her own way “as a parent” trumps, in her mind, the actual health of the kid.

    I mean, the kid apparently already has PTSD they were being treated for.

    Thing is, kids with PTSD from a young age usually get it from their home life, you know?

    And mommy dearest’s behavior going nuclear on the school for respecting the student’s wishes with name/pronouns pretty loudly suggests why PTSD might have already popped up.

    I loathe authoritarian parents. They have the sheer gall to have children, and instead of treating them like people, like real human beings that they have an actual responsibility towards, they treat them like dolls made to prop up their own egos. And if their living doll does something they don’t like, no matter how trivial, their response is to try to break it. Awful, awful people.

  • As far as I know, everyone dreams every night…it’s part of the sleeping process…but you usually forget it ASAP so it seems like you didn’t dream.

    As for dreams I remember…less often as I get older, I find. Although I do get a few vivid dreams when using magnesium supplements, but I also acclimate to those quickly. And if I’m woken prematurely, sometimes a dream sticks around a bit more than it otherwise would.

  • Because it’s very difficult to get things you need to live solely through barter. Many trades are very niche, and an economy that uses money allows those trades to continue being viable parts of society.

    Like, think of plumbing. If everything goes well, you don’t need a plumber. But when you do…you really need it. Now imagine being the plumber who wants some bread and eggs but the farmer has no problems currently that needs the plumber’s skills. Plumber can’t eat, leaves profession, there’s now no plumber when the pipes do break.

    Obviously, the next thought here might be, “Well, why doesn’t the plumber say if they get eggs and bread now, they’ll come and fix your toilet later if needed?” But that sort of re-invents credit, right? “I’ll trade 3 future plumbing problems for 3 boxes of eggs now.” If you have that, why not money?

    So basically, money is very useful. It can be traded for many things you otherwise wouldn’t be able to get if you were only able to offer as barter a specific item that might be rejected by the other person you want to barter with. Money is a “universal” trade good, and it’s also easy to store (you don’t have to have lots of physical room to store your Universal Trade Good).

    The BEHAVIOR of people surrounding this very useful thing can absolutely be suspect, depending on the person (greedy sociopaths hoarding wealth)–but that’s a human thing, not because money is innately a bad thing. It’s a social problem, not a technology problem. You could totally have a greedy hoarder storing up a non-money trade item too…see people and toilet paper/sanitizer during Covid.

  • Yeah, people forget that form follows function.

    The parameters for making a USEFUL plastic that ALSO degrades gives a narrow band. Too degradable, and the function of fulfilling all the areas plastic is currently used for can’t happen. Not degradable, and we have the current situation.

    Plastic being is in use not simply to fuck the planet over or something, but because compared to other materials it has physical qualities that things like glass, wood, fabric, etc. don’t have, that’s why it’s ended up in so many things. It’s lightweight, strong, and “plastic” (that is to say, more easily shaped and molded than other materials, and I suspect there’s a labor component too where maybe it needs less labor to shape and form).

    I’m eventually going to write a story about a sci-fi world that’s under quarantine because they successfully made a plastic-eating bacteria that never stops eating and breaking down plastic. Go there and most of your technology/clothes/etc. are eaten away. I might throw in wood, too…a world with no wood or plastic because the local bacteria is like, “Yum, yum, food!” and gets into every nook and cranny. I anticipate I’ll have to do a lot of thinking to figure out how drastically technology would change under these parameters…I imagine a lot of it would be very “brutalist” because you’d have to rely on heavy-as-balls metals and cement and stone and such. Unless there’s an Aluminum Future or something, where everything that can be made out of aluminum, can. Of course, there’s also the byproducts of intense metals mining to think about on a fictional world like that. Anyway, lots of details to pick apart for worldbuilding.

  • Unrelated, I did a re-read, and I realized that White Chain is basically the only one of the three that’s consistently drawn as “beautiful” (when out of her stone armor). Even when she gets angry (“SUBMIT!”) she becomes more statuesque than ugly.

    Allison can pull some super-derpy/ugly faces (and I love her being drawn like that), Cio tends to be abruptly monstrous or weird or sexy, but White Chain is rendered by and large in a way that’s very pretty/beautiful, and that even continues if you look at Aspected Chaos’ design…it’s a lot further along on the “conventionally pretty” spectrum than Allison and Cio usually are.

    I think this is really cool, that there’s something so subtle reinforcing that she’s an angel.

  • I love the New Coke inspiration for Nukoku’s name.


    I was thinking before that “eyes opening” was a theme, as it certainly was for White Chain, but if you put the three next to each other now, White Chain’s eyes have opened, Allison has one open and one closed, and Cio/Nukoku has hers closed. So I wonder if Nukoku might “stay” with her eyes obscured/gone to keep up an underlying theme that they are three possibilities along a spectrum.

    It is interesting that Nukoku is so focused on small, quiet things, as that is the opposite of what you’d think devils would want. The opposite of greed and consumption. It’s also the opposite of White Chain’s arc, where White Chain is becoming a ruler (as far as we can tell so far), when for so long she was the one taking orders, not giving them.

    I think more evidence is piling up that devils/angels become more powerful when they adopt a bit of their opposite counterpart. White Chain, originally of the cold white flame, now has a human body which is the warm black flame, and is a Demiurge. And Nukoku, the hot black flame, rejects who she was when she was a demiurge, and has enough order to her now that she could come back without an intact mask–she might have taken this increase in orderliness from White Chain while they were merged (along with Allison) as Aspected Chaos.

    (My theory before is that Metatron is so powerful because his insanity is chaotic and basically brings devil-like chaos/creativity to him, while Himself has bound himself up with laws and order, normally an angel thing. So White Chain and Nukoku are paralleling this, just in a somewhat different way.)

    You could also take “Reborn Sin Against Heaven” as an angel-style name…which is quite odd, and interesting, for a devil. Also, if “reach heaven through violence” is a thing, would “Reborn Sin Against Heaven” be reaching heaven without violence?

    The jury’s still out, however, if Nukoku’s pink blood has anything to do with Incubus. We might still see Nukoku do a final transformation. Although, I think White Chain and Allison might also get another transformation before the book is done, too, as their arcs also aren’t complete.

    Edit: Someone on the main website suggested Nukoku might actually bear Incubus’ key after Maya was done taking him apart. Which…would make a lot of sense? If White Chain can “redeem” Solomon David’s key of diamond/pride, then maybe Nukoku can turn Incubus’ key into something softer, like love. I’d kind of really want a flashback though of seeing all that go down.