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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You made a post complaining about them and when asked, didnt even provide an example. You dont gotta give a link to say “well I saw X comments in a post about X topic”. Its not publicly shaming. So far, I havent seen any gatekeeping myself. In fact, the comments are usually pretty empty to begin with and the few comments I do see are pretty civil. Give it a couple weeks for the reddit trolls to clear out. They love interaction and with how little of that there is around here, compared to reddit, they’ll crawl back to over there.

  • Yup. Unfortunetly im at a point where I just like to sink lots of time into my games. Especially now that $70 seems to be the price standard. Replayability is proably one of my biggest factors when deciding on a single-player game. I originally bought the game for my wife, but I bought it, went to work a 10 hour shift, came back, and she was already done! So then I played it and finished it in almost the same amount of time. $30 for that just seemed… sorta like a rip off. Granted, I know its an indie game and it wasnt advertised as some huge game. But those are just my thoughts on the game