Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

  • 89 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Personally, my beef is not only the low skill/effort a lot of the post modernism sculptures have, but also that their whole point, of making fun of “high art”, of museums and whatnot, was subverted. The subversion of art was subverted. Not even Banksy could fully escape the elitist assholes and even though that picture was shredded after the auction, it’s still “valuable”

  • Podrán usar tres veces la misma credencial dentro de la misma plataforma. | They may use the same credentials 3 times within the same platform

    Uh, is that supposed to be 3 times per month? Like, you can only visit sadpanda 3 times a month or something?

    También se contempla una modificación de la Ley General de Telecomunicaciones para que la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de la Competencia (CNMC) pueda bloquear de aquellas plataformas o páginas con contenidos pornográficos si no incorporan mecanismos de verificación de la edad efectivos. Para tal fin, el Gobierno está en conversaciones con proveedores de internet como Movistar o Vodafone con el fin de que permitan bloquear estas páginas. | It’s also being contemplated a modification to the General Telecommunications Law so that the National Market Competency Comission may block those platforms or pages with pornographic contents if they don’t incorporate effective age verification mechanisms. For this, the Government is in talks with internet providers such as Movistar and Vodafone, so they may block these pages

    Good luck blocking whatever “kids” with intent end up finding on a DDG with Safesearch: Off.

    For now, it only applies for sites hosted in Spain, but they want to have it apply to anything based off Ireland (IT tax haven)

    La herramienta se ha incorporado dentro de “la cartera digital española” (…) incluye una credencial que “es anónima” y “respeta el principio de protección de datos de minimización de la información intercambiada”. | The tool has been incorporated inside the “digital spanish identity card” (…) it includes a credential that “is anonymous” and “respects the principles of data protection of minimization of interchanged information”

    Oh nice, just what people need/want, the fucking government spying on your porn searches.

    Regarding the 30 accesses/tokens pack, it’s supposed to be something you can just input on a porn site and access it without being asked for an age verification. And yeah, you only get to use/access one site 3 times per pack, no reason was given.

    It’s good that the article also has a talk with a cybersecurity guy, who plainly points out that the govt isn’t trustworthy for keeping the data secret/anonymous, and that the whole idea “is horrible [and what you expect] from the worst dictatorships”

    Para entender el enorme riesgo tan solo basta con imaginar por un momento una filtración de datos de los solicitantes del carnet, o una futura instrumentalización política del sistema con el fin de restringir el acceso a la información del color que no guste al gobierno de turno | To understand the huge risk, just imagine for a moment a filtering of the data of the people who ask for the card, or a future political handling of the system with the intent of restricting access to the information that the government at the time dislikes