• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023

  • I am having a blast! I took the bait and went gladiator retaliation and it is extremely powerful. Haven’t bought a single piece of equipment yet and can blast through yellow maps. I am using two retaliation skills in parallel and that makes for a fun combo play style.

    I like all the league stuff, the encounters have a cool feel to them and especially the beyond themed camps with their buff afterwards are fun. I also really enjoyed the small changes they made to the campaign although I’m sure I missed quite a few.

  • Ja da haben wir einfach eine andere Auffassung davon , was man von den Leuten™ erwarten kann und was möglich ist.

    Das mit den 300.000 finde ich etwas sinnlos, aber ich stimme voll zu, dass Konzerne einen übermäßigen Einfluss auf die Politik ausüben, der nicht im System abgebildet.

    Da Du dich mit der Thematik ja offensichtlich auseinander gesetzt hast, habe ich noch eine Frage:

    Boykottierst Du denn Konzerne mit deren Praktiken nicht einverstanden bist? Oder lässt du es bleiben weil Du es als aussichtslos empfindest?

    Ich persönlich versuche nichts zu kaufen, was mit meiner Moral nicht vereinbar ist. Alleine um meiner selbst willen.

  • Minion instability will let it pop, but you will still need to manually resummon and reactivate the aura. Animate Guardian could work, the wiki states that there is some possibility with masked of the stitched demon. Maybe I’ll look into that. I hope they patch it so that the minion can be summoned with the aura being active.

  • I read that as “I went on vacation for playing at league launch” :). I think the setting is pretty cool, it doesn’t take itself too seriously and it’s fun upgrading ones team even though I’m pretty clueless about it. Gameplay wise I can’t really tell. Matches seem either way to easy or impossible to win. But I guess I just haven’t figured it out yet.

  • I league start with my builds, I try to come up with something that can fund itself. For the most part it’s fine, sometimes they are really nice even. Sometimes… Not so much. In sanctum I tried a Generals cry volcanic fissure berseker and that was not a fun time. I do the usual planning in pob and make sure the numbers look alright, but with new skills you just don’t know how it is going to play like. I do love running this experiment though and it keeps the game fresh for me.

  • Usually I try to create a low budget build to do all the “standard” content: atlas completion, beating the league mechanic, all bosses, anything but Ubers really, as my janky builds normally aren’t good enough for those. I guess that is what I’ll do this time as well :)

    Maybe I’ll try the new chieftain, though I am not sure he is going to that powerful. Hopefully new gems and balance changes will create new build possibilities!