Allan, plaease add details

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Most of the time it’s disguised behind being in small units (small thin cookies or crackers, liquids, sprinkles and powders) where eating too much is “your fault for being hungry enough and eating the whole box” not the manufacturers for making it adictive and unsatifying. Try eating a whole cheesecake, or deep dish pizza in one sitting.

  • I beleave your are correct here. however, I do want to point out that humans can have some very strange derivitive goals (goals that are formed to accomplish other goals).

    Hatrid of The Other can be created by capitalism’s built-in hunger for human blood. Phrases like “we need to kill or deport X or we will become unemployed, run out of money and starve.” If you dont consistantly sacrifice human lives, you enter an Overproduction Crisis (literally meaning not enough scarsity) and the money becomes viscous. Anyone who is selfish or scared will treat the world like its kill or be killed. Any mechonism to make the process look and more importantly feel legitimate (civil, humane, “he was a criminal anyway”, a just war, slautering of unwanted “livestock”, killing of “hostile beasts”, etc…) is embraced with passion.