• 84 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • You’re right, I got a bit ahead of myself. Allow me to clarify. In general, the wind in Russia moves from east to west, which is a consideration in both air travel and windmill construction. However, helicopters are among the least impacted aircraft due to their free-form movement and large, stable propellers. Takeoff and landing can both occur within a relatively small area even in unfavorable conditions. I hope that answers any lingering questions.

  • 08 reddit was vastly different than 12 reddit which was vastly different than 16 reddit which was vastly different than 20 reddit which was vastly different than 24 reddit.

    For what it’s worth, they’re all terrible in their own unique ways. Aside from a brief window some time after 16 but before 20, during which bots and hate speech were both heavily moderated. Except in conservative spaces, but there’s no polishing those turds.

  • No. Unequivocally no. This might make sense on its face but it misunderstands Batman at a fundamental level- Batman is a hero who cannot make sense. He is severely mentally ill and craves change physically and instantly wrought by his own two hands.

    If a CEO were doing something outlandishly and visibly evil then they might find themselves on Batman’s radar, but exacerbating wealth inequality is just not something Batman usually cares about. Would it make sense for Batman to do something about it? Yes. Absolutely. Would the crazy 100 kg gymnast dressed like a giant bat, who has made a nightly ritual of shattering the spines of impoverished criminal dockworkers do that? No.

    Now daredevil, daredevil might find himself beating the ass off a shady Manhattan CEO. But daredevil is sane, reasonable, and goal oriented and Batman is just not.