Grail (capitalised)

They/Them, capitalised

Writer of the most popular Soulist Manifesto and the article about how John Wick is communist. Read My blog:

  • 40 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023

  • I do believe in erasing the experiences of minorities. If I were living in Germany in 1939, I’d erase the experiences of the Jew living in My basement while talking to the Gestapo. I erase My own experiences all the time. I misgender Myself to stay in the closet to avoid violence. Never been out as goddessgender at work or school.

    If what you are advocating is total exposure of all information having to do with minorities, you’re talking about actions that will get people killed. That’s why Republicans are trying to pass laws to require ID for Pornhub, you know. They want to know all about the lived experiences of gay and trans people by analysing our porn habits, so they can do violence against us. What you’re speaking in favour of is genocide.

    I am glad it was just a mistake, but it was a mistake that you prevented Me from fixing the easy way. I couldn’t report the comment, couldn’t reply. So I made this post, and had to put up with being grilled on My pronoun usage and told My identity is evil by various people. I didn’t defend any oppressive systems, I outlined a strategy to just shut up for a few months until it’s safe to act again without causing a genocide. I didn’t break rule 2. But you did break rules 5 and 8. Shouting down leftism. No open discussion. I did everything I could to play by the rules and disagree with you politely. Maybe instead of making an exception for Me, it’s time to actually enforce your community’s rules by not being so ban-happy with everyone. What happened today was bound to happen eventually and it’s going to keep happening as long as nobody’s allowed to have an open discussion about the election on your community. Everyone who disagrees being banned is not an open discussion.

  • I don’t want My pronouns to be respected because of My gender identity, I want them to be respected because they’re My pronouns and they make Me feel like Myself.

    As an example, I don’t really believe in binary gender. I think being men and women is a phase that everyone will grow out of one day. But I still refer to people as “he” and “she” even though I don’t believe in the traditional semantic meaning. And in fact I think belief in traditional masculinity is very dangerous to women and other minorities. But I don’t need to buy in to traditional masculinity to gender any trans person correctly. Nobody should have to buy into a belief system to gender anyone correctly. My pronouns are exactly as symbolic of oppression as any binary person’s pronouns, which is to say that yes there is a history, but there is also hope for a better future, and we have a responsibility to bring that future into being rather than being stuck in the past.

  • When I join a new space, I usually closet about My pronouns and other aspects of My identity on a hard or soft basis until I’ve made a decision to come out of the closet. Misgendering Myself is a safety measure to prevent harassment and abuse. When I am open about My pronouns, there are certain people who will decide to grill Me about every little perceived inconsistency to try to “gotcha” up an excuse to call Me a fake trans person. I usually only gender Myself correctly once I’ve decided to accept the risk of running into that kind of person.

    Aside from judging a space to see if it’s safe, in some spaces it can help to introduce Myself closeted and then come out, rather than start out being honest about My identity. There’s a lot of people on sites like Lemmy that will call a new user who uses neopronouns a troll. Only being honest about My identity after I’ve proven I’m no troll is safer.

  • Four years ago, I realised I was goddessgender, and My goddess-mother suggested I try out capitalised pronouns. They felt right, so I kept using them. The inspiration for Me to try out the pronouns came from My divinegender identity, but I don’t think of the two as equal. I think the statement “Gods are referred to with They/Them” is about as true as the statement “women are referred to with she/her”. I have met women who use he/him, men who use she/her, and enbies who use everything. But if your friend is coming out as transfeminine, it’s a good idea to suggest she/her, right? I think it’s the same with Me. My pronouns and My gender identity are not the same thing, they just happen to align, as most people’s pronouns and gender do. I hope that people can respect My pronouns without having to believe everything I believe about My gender. I think the reason we use someone’s preferred pronouns can just be “They like it”, and it doesn’t have to entail any kind of acceptance of a belief system. Likewise, I would immediately respect the preferred pronouns of any two-spirit or Bissu I met, despite not being a member of either religious system.

    I wrote a couple of articles on the subject more broadly:,

    On My Discord server, The Outside, capitalised pronouns are the default for everyone and everything. We use the change to our language to provoke a change in thinking. It fills the air up with magic, which is very useful because it’s an occultist server. And it has the handy benefit of getting everyone used to capitalised pronouns without starting a fight. The rate of transphobia in the server is much lower than other queer spaces I’ve been.

  • They are people who have left-wing views on policy, diversity, and economics, but who see “the left” as flawed and do not wish to be associated with them. Common complaints include that “the left” is too invested in organisation, identity politics, and morality. Max Stirner, the Egoism guy, is a central figure in post-leftism.

    Critics of post-leftists say that they’re just leftists who want to seem different and hip and cool. The fundamental post-leftist assertion is that “the left” is a monolithic group of old fashioned people who never accomplished much good, and I disagree strongly. To Me, leftism cannot ever describe a single group, but instead describes a relation between a given group and a reference point; the left is a direction, not a place.

  • I use capitalised pronouns, please refer to Me with My preferred pronouns.

    I frequently go to spaces that are made for and by trans people, where we avoid politics deliberately. Because we want to talk about other things, we want to talk about our lives, our own personal struggles. And not politics.

    I recommend you check out My other article on this subject, There is no such thing as “apolitical”, and claiming otherwise is dangerous. The TLDR is that the statement you just made is an act of violence. It’s a transphobic dogwhistle. There is no non-politics. The ideology of “Apoliticism” is deeply political, and deeply dangerous. The online spaces you describe where people “avoid politics”, they don’t. What they do is platform a specific set of non-controversial politics, and claim these politics are not politics. This dishonest course of action provides short term gratification, but in the long term it contributes to transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, racism, and ableism.

    My purpose in creating the post here is to call for the destruction of such spaces. All queer spaces should be explicitly political at all times. And that is because the only alternative to explicit politics is implicit, unspoken, unconscious politics. Secret rules, self-contradictory aims, transphobic dogwhistles.

    For example, suppose a nonbinary person like Myself joins an “apolitical” safe space for queer people, a Discord which is full of trans girls who like to play War Thunder together. I, a new War Thunder player looking for friends and a queer person, join the community. My capitalised pronouns are respected by about 50% of the Discord regulars, but one trans girl in particular objects to My neopronouns and says I’m oppressing her by asking her to respect preferred pronouns. The rules of the server prohibit politics.

    If I or anyone else argues in favour of respecting trans people’s preferred pronouns, I am in violation of the rules, and can fairly be banned. Now, so is the person kicking up an enbyphobic fuss, but you have to take human psychology into account. Moderators will think “Everything was fine before Grail arrived. We’re only having this awful political conversation because of Them.” If the moderators enforced the rules fairly, they’d ban everyone for every post they ever made, because everything is political. Since the mods believe in such a thing as apolitics, their impartiality is already compromised. They are already lying about the rules and enforcing them selectively according to personal bias. You cannot expect such people to make correct decisions about how to enforce the rules.

    Most people only change enough to accept themselves. Nobody is a perfect leftist. If I were to believe in apolitics, I would probably end up acting racist, because I am not a person of colour and I have all kinds of blind spots from My lack of lived experience on the subject. I have a duty to constantly challenge Myself on racial issues so that I don’t fall into the trap of only changing enough to accept Myself. Everyone does. Most people are racist when they believe in apolitics. Most people, including most trans people, are transphobic when they believe in apolitics. An “apolitical” space can only ever be a huge trap for these kinds of attitudes to fester and become normalised.

    There are ways to have safe spaces that do not trigger or exhaust queer people, but they are not “apolitical” spaces, they are spaces which are fiercely political and fiercely allied with queer justice. The apolitical spaces are not safe for every queer person. They are only safe for white people with normal pronouns and mild or no disabilities.