FALGSConaut [comrade/them]


  • 38 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2021


  • State Department spokesman Vedant Patel says the only option to end the war is the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine

    Completely disengaged from reality. The more these ghouls push this line the more poor bastards are going to be pulped in the trenches. This war was always going to end with Russian victory, the only only question was how many people were going to die before it’s over. It has to be clear that a Ukrainian surrender is the only way it’s ending right? Like even the most delusional nafo dogs of empire have to see there’s no way for 55 year old under equipped conscripts to take Moscow, right?

    I guess at the end of the day they don’t care, the ruling class just wants a place to get paid for old busted gear, and the nafo freaks just want to lap up propaganda and be racist against an acceptable target. We all know the second it’s over they’ll just pivot to Taiwan and posting racist Xi memes

  • Not that I’ve found, I’m still in the early chapters where he talks of his childhood, his apprenticeship to a furrier, his early political education, and being drafted into the army in 1915.

    It’s an interesting side note, but he outlines that the artisans weren’t nearly as politically involved as factory workers and other proletarians because the artisan class was more focused on their individual advancement and the possibility of opening their own shops while the factory workers had no hope of ever starting their own factories and so were more involved in labour organization

  • He’s a petite bourgeois parasite who underpays you for your produce, overcharges the townsfolk, and takes credit for high quality produce you sell him. Plus he’s got that Mr Beast brain disease that makes him think enjoying himself is a waste of potential earning time, he never participates in festivals and instead operates a popup shop.

    The only thing he has going for him is his opposition to Jojo, but that’s not even on moral grounds, he just wants his own petite monopoly without the threat of a massive corporation running him out of business. Oh, and he punches the Jojo manager whats-his-nuts (I never interact with Jojo outside mandatory cutscenes) if you encourage him to.