• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I apologize if this is too long. Feel free to skip to the tl;dr at the bottom if you wish.

    Level 5½.

    Most of my family didn’t really disown me so much as just not inviting me to anything anymore. Or talking to me. Or calling/texting me.

    Of the four people who were left:

    • One was flat-out Level 5 – they AFAIK haven’t changed to this day; we haven’t spoken for almost 11 years. I typically refer to her as “That Bitch”.
    • One was Level 5 leaning toward Level 4 – thankfully, after a talk with them and some subsequent healthy eavesdropping on their end of a conversation with me and a friend of theirs (yes, I knew about it), they swiftly turned into a Level 1 and eventually one of my heroes in life. That was 6–7 years ago… I love my Dad. :)
    • One was Level 3 – she’s still Level 3 and I have accepted that she will never change but she has at least largely also accepted the fact that so won’t I and that it’s not a phase. But at least we’re not fighting…
    • And one was Level 1 with a dash of Level 2 – sadly, my paternal grandmother has been dead for a few years now. :( Rip…


    tl;dr: Holy fuck, fuck, fuck then not fuck, sadface, and rip da homie…