Don’t Think, Just Jam

  • 292 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023

  • There’s more (4-5?) but only two see any kind of activity. The .ml one is older but other than that the only difference are the servers they were created on. Not everyone checks (or knows about) all of them so I’m cross-posting between the two in hopes we’ll get folks to group around one of them (there’s just no point to split into groups with the amount of active users we have right now).

  • I still feel like gates being responsible for accessing the permanent JPs makes more sense than local station jamming your quantum drive but I don’t really care enough to die on this hill. There’s plenty of more important design changes to be unhappy about (for me, not saying everyone needs to be against the current direction).

    I’m glad they decided to respond at least, maybe it’ll quell the anger of some folks, if only a little bit.

  • Here are some possible reasons for people getting mad if you’re really wondering why it happens:

    • unsolicited advice can make people feel stupid (you love to learn, not everyone does)
    • comments like yours can be used as a way of making fun of OP to disregard their point without actually interacting with it
    • being corrected on a slip up and not something you sincerely don’t know can be annoying (either towards the person correcting you or towards yourself for “not knowing something this simple”)
    • I don’t know about others but my school life never taught me how to deal with criticism, if you made a mistake you didn’t study properly and should go back to doing that instead of being explained what went wrong and why (this one might sound a worse than it really was but you get the point)

    I’m not saying you did any of those things and I’m right there with you on learning but the knee-jerk reactions often do have a reason behind them. There’s also the whole issue with how polarized social media is these days and the willingness to listen or admit to a mistake can be a difficult thing to stomach (“it’s a sign of weakness”).

    I hope that helps!

  • I understand the reasons given by CIG for the ATC contact, I just don’t think it makes sense from an immersion perspective after they got rid of the man-made structure making it usable. It’s like they want to have it both ways, lore wise.

    I’m a bit surprised previous version didn’t have a scattered exit simply because it’s something they’ve mentioned quite a long time ago. I’d expect them to implement it before giving it to players but guess I was wrong.

    Thanks for the insight on the test. I tend keep my eyes on stuff that’s closer to public release so that’s something I didn’t really look into back then.

  • As in quanta? Officially it’s still a thing and is supposedly used for setting up prices of a few commodities according to a confirmation from 2-3 years ago or so. Not that those changes were substantial in any way since most people aren’t even aware of it.

    Realistically? Who the heck knows. CIG is back to their tried and true approach of not talking to the community whenever something doesn’t go well or there’s nothing to hype so your guess is as good as mine. It’s still a goal for the future as far as we know.

  • Ehh, yes an no. For some it can absolutely be what they consider as their real self but for many it’s the same thing as with any other content creator - a persona. It might be closer or further away from how they are in real life but I don’t think one should take what VTubers do as a complete truth. At the end of the day they (especially the larger ones) are entertainers and some amount of “fakeness” will almost always be present. Not many people can be entertaining enough purely through their “normal” personality to build and sustain a community around themselves.

  • Anyone else stuck in a rut where none of your usual series update but you don’t have the drive to start on your backlog? That was me this last week. OK, not entirely.

    I did look through some of the series I wanted to read but were dropped by the scanlators for one reason or the other. The one I miss the most currently is probably Traveling Gyaru - pretty fun series about a gyaru who travels Japan on a bike, trying to make it to her friends wedding. It has comedy, interesting tips about travel and it’s just a fun read in general. Only 12 out of 27 chapters are translated…

    Another fun (and stupid) one was Power Antoinette - a comedy manga set during the French Revolution. The gimmick here is that Marie Antoinette (and her children) are all about bulking up so Marie manages to escape the guillotine and fights against revolutionaries instead. The biggest disappointment here is the fact the author chickened out of making her swole all the time and made it into a temporary buff instead, it’s pretty decent otherwise.

    Other than that, I’ve been filling my time with visual novels. It’s kinda funny because I pretty much stopped watching anime and focused on manga because the latter can be engaged with in shorter bursts and yet, I’d rather just spend hours reading those at the moment. It’s a weird time man…