Fenstersturz, actually.
Fenstersturz, actually.
Ok, thanks. I studied linguistics for another language years ago, (a language without any ‘th’), so it was a guess. Still no answer of what it is or why it’s used.
Unrelated, but how and why do you use the thorn (or something else?) as th-replacement?
So they will rejoin in about 20 years.
“Grumbern” is the same in parts of Frankonia.
Weird. Never thought it to be real. In Warhammer 40k, only a populace of a specific planet has those purple eyes. Kinda neat to know that this might have been a super-specific random event (first human settlers of that planet having purple eyes).
Kommt da nicht alljährlich die Übertragung von Rock am Ring, Summerbreeze und so, oder macht das mittlerweile ein anderer Sender?
I get that point, but stainless steel also exists.
They also sell “Dicke Eier” (fat eggs) around Easter. Same idea as the nuts.
(Electric) kettle would be the “right” word for Wasserkocher.
Brits and their weird non-compound-words.
Since they shut out Linux players last week. Taking away access to things someone bought, used and can’t use anymore because of something the supplier did could be interpreted as theft.
The article being from the US, after I read that that woman shoved the bikes to the ground, I was mentally prepared to read that she got shot.
Wildest thing is that the cyclists were on public ground and she doesn’t want them there. Why do you care, lady? Why would someone else stop to berate the cyclists as well? Were they in an ani-cycling cult town?
Ok, thanks for the update. I’m neither a car guy nor a native speaker.
Older (pre 2000) diesel cars needed a few seconds, sometimes a minute to “warm-up” the starter. You had to turn the ignition half way before you actually start the car. That’s the only “warming up” a car might need to function (normal circumstances).
Heard what?
Both, kinda. His point was (if O recall correctly) to promote a faster light rail track from Munich central station to the FJS Airport, also in Munich. The main benefit would be that you “start your flight on the train” because the transfer is seamless (in theory).
Ich bin grundsätzlich bei dir, dass man nicht 30% der Wählerstimmen invalidieren sollte. Allerdings sollte man dann (auf Parteiebene) keine pauschal-dogmatischen Aussagen treffen, wenn man sich dann eh nicht dran hält.
What’s your problem with Spy Hard? It follows the same Leslie Nielsen formula as Wrongfully Accused.