CupcakeOfSpice [she/her]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2023


  • Blames it on “psychos” but somehow doesn’t think that affordable (or y’know, free) mental health care is a priority. Every time this happens somehow the mentally ill get blamed. Turns out psychopaths can live indistinguishably from the rest of the public and supposedly well-adjusted “sane” people can commit mass shootings or justify genocides. Maybe instead of blaming a large, marginalized group, we can improve people’s conditions so maybe they won’t do this. For kids this may be actually doing something about bullying, providing mental health care, and hiring teachers that don’t not-so-secretely hate kids.

  • The main hospital I’ve been to I don’t think is actually religious-themed, but I find myself distrusting it anyway because I live in small-town, Midwest. My psychiatrist doesn’t know I’m queer because I fear his reaction. The hospital assures you that they will not discriminate, but it has “My I don’t discriminate shirt is raising a lot of questions the shirt should answer” vibes. Also I have a fairly stigmatized mental illness and have had inpatient stays because of it, so I definitely don’t trust them having seen that side of them, but I feel that applies to pretty much any hospital. Long story short, I don’t really trust hospitals in general, not just religious ones.