• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Oh…I’m so very sorry. My sincerest apologies. I didn’t realize you requested an academic study. What kind of study would you like me to produce for you, my lord? Should it be qualitative? Quantitative? Peer-reviewed?

    …or better yet, how about you go fuck yourself? Take your uppity, ill-informed opinions and shove them straight up your tightwad asshole. K? Thaaanks!

  • Coach@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPlease Help Reverse This
    12 hours ago

    Genes make a substantial difference, but they are not the whole story. They account for about half of all differences in intelligence among people, so half is not caused by genetic differences, which provides strong support for the importance of environmental factors. This estimate of 50 percent reflects the results of twin, adoption and DNA studies. From them, we know, for example, that later in life, children adopted away from their biological parents at birth are just as similar to their biological parents as are children reared by their biological parents. Similarly, we know that adoptive parents and their adopted children do not typically resemble one another in intelligence.

    Article: Is Intelligence Hereditary? - Scientific American

  • Coach@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldBiden Must Resign
    5 days ago

    But the simple fact remains that if one believes Biden cannot campaign or debate successfully, then he cannot run the country presently. The Constitution contemplates a scenario in which someone would need to take the place of a president who is so diminished, and that someone is the vice president. Biden should step aside from both the campaign and the presidency, and allow Harris to take her best shot at saving the country from those who would destroy it.

    A really good take on how Harris could provide an opportunity to draw a stark contrast between the Nazi…I mean, Republican party and a peaceful transition of power in a functional democracy.

    Decent piece.

  • To us, it feels like you’re all being idealists and thinking that everyone thinks like you. News flash: they don’t. The average American will look at Biden and either decide not to vote or vote for the other guy.

    I don’t care where you decide to group us, but please try to understand there are people trying to win this election and keep fascism from overtaking this country and those people might have a different approach that is worth considering.

  • In the eternal words of Mike Tyson, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Biden’s debate performance was a punch in America’s face.

    I agree that we need a NEW plan, but we cannot just stick to the old plan and old candidate, simply because somebody’s feelings might get hurt. We have not yet held either convention, so there is time to find and coalesce around a new candidate.

    No one is saying this situation is ideal, but considering the recent SCOTUS rulings and geopolitical sentiments, we cannot just continue to ignore that something is undeniably wrong with Biden.