Moderátoři subredditu r/czech vytvořili m/, aůe nějak nám nefunguje federace. Co je za problém?
Moderátoři subredditu r/czech vytvořili m/, aůe nějak nám nefunguje federace. Co je za problém?
Use uBlock custom filters instead of new extensions for best performance.
Also, it is easy to reload the page in Reader mode, without JS, or block the overlay.
Podle doktora se mi v mozkové kleci chystá usadit kulka.
Pacient: A kolik času mi asi zbývá?
Doktor: Tři
Pacient: Tři co?
Doktor: *odjistí pistoli* Dva…
YouTube ads are just other YouTube videos that you can watch willingly if you know their ID. The mechanism of serving them might therefore not involve the client connecting to any domains other than
, and it probably doesn’t or it would be very easy to block them otherwise.
It can do both in one run, as well as making a backup. However, only about half of my Reddit comments got archived in the CSV (also, you can only download it after the script finishes so I always make sure I can leave it running for several hours, which it needs because of rate limits and hope it doesn’t crash – it never did, though).
*Strait. Please update the title, too.
Well, the largely terrible post-2000 pop music destroyed my perception of our country’s production, and I’m not really into rock or metal… The most “rock” song I remember hearing on the radio (it plays at work) is Černí andělé by Lucie. For all I know, the band may have heavier rock songs available.
Parental advisory
Nobody cares about parental advisory here