• 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • it looks intimidating

    It started out that way, heh, and I still have issues with figuring out the best fabrics (Which are a huuuuuuge part of getting it right, heH< (KITTY IS trying to help me type, HAH), but after that 6firstr bad experiments, it got easier7 (I’m going to leave his typings in this, HAH), 3wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww7y buy hen…but oddly enough, I seem to have an easy time with odd things like this…SR55tam q…Same with knitting, I’ve come up with quite a few of my own little sTItches. HAH!

    me to my kitten. “Ok, Ok, Ok, I’llgive you some attention, boy”

  • Lonely and aggravating as all hell. Hate living with how filthy the house is, not having a job, etc, but it’s not like I didn’t try. I did work part time for about 15 years, but in my wife’s mind, it wasn’t a job and she didn’t have to help around the house. I did try to keep the house clean, by implementing chores lists so every one would help out (minor things just to help me to become accustomed to the pain that was going to happen), but they worked/went to school and therefore didn’t have to help…Yeah, I tried…

  • That’s a tough call. Before I attempted to leave in 2017 and was forced to push myself to working full time at electrical (as I couldn’t find a less physically demanding job), I could say a lot…But it’s been a long long time. There’s a few things I know I still enjoy.

    1. The act of solving. Rather odd, but I realized about 10 years ago that I actually really enjoy finding a solution. Unfortunately, though, I know it has slowed down some (as I’ve had trouble going through some of the code on code academy [C only], and that was about a year ago). This has come in handy with woodworking, programming, electrical, supervising, etc, etc.

    2. Lexicography, always wanted to write/create a dictionary for Cherokee similar to Robert M. Laughlin’s “The Great Tzotzil Dictionary of San Lorenzo Zinacantan”.

    There is a chance…I don’t know how great of a chance, as the stress of living here has kept me from doing anything overly complicated, but scripting (Bash, calc, gp/pari), to which would naturally include many console based programs. The last complex thing I did around 2017 is I modified the suckless program “tabbed” to utilize a script to create or add tabbed windows from a configuration file. (Used that for windows specified for writing code, debugging, man pages, reading/reviewing code/text/pdf/ps, calculator, and a file manager.

    So there is a chance that I’ve done that enough that I could relearn it all, but I just don’t know. I’m so god damned sore sitting, walking, etc. Also, this GERD like thing I got most likely from medicine for my pains makes living even more difficult…and then on top of all that, the stress of how I’m going to be treated. I just don’t know what I can learn, how well I can learn, or what my body is capable of. Hell, I don’t even know fully what I truly know…I’m already stressing out right now, and she’s not even home.

    And I can’t think any more at the moment. Sorry! Heh!

  • but it’s been at least a couple of weeks since cast-on which should tell you all you need to know about rate of completion 😅

    Pshhh! That’s nothing. I’ve got a grocery bag that I started over a year ago, and a pumpkin bag I started about 7 months ago…i swear I’ll get to them…after I find where I put the patterns I wrote…:no_mouth:

    Definitely requires a bit more concentration than I’ve been able to give lately, so I just keep defaulting to the socks instead.

    Oof! Pain and the digestive issues from trying to get my pains taken care of have me in a daze most days. It’s tough, but I am making headway…slooooowly, heh!

    Am working on another duster for my swiffer thingies…I still don’t feel up to recording a how-to yet, though. I’ll get to it…i’ll get to it.

    Last night, I made a tiny ray out of this yarn, too.