• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • For so many of my use cases the Echo and Echo Show products by Amazon are exactly what is needed. For instance in the living my full sized echo is ideal for voice commands and playing music but in my bedroom a Show 5 / 8 is what you want in order to see the time, play music, and have wakeup alarms. I wish I could either find a company building a generic version of them or find a way to reload them to work with HA instead of Amazon. :/

    I’d buy Android tablets and run the HA Companion App on them but it still doesn’t have wakeword support.

    I could build a small fleet of rPIs in touch screen cases but even then you have to bolt on a microphone and speakers so they still wouldn’t have a finished / polished look.

    I have no problem spending a reasonable, or even maybe unreasonable, amount of money to get a nice looking Wyoming Satellite but I’ll be darned if I can figure out HOW. I’m actually kind of astonished that no over-seas manufacturer has started making something like a gutted Echo / Echo Show that you can slide a raspberry pi board into.

  • I’m fine with NPUs / TPUs (AI-enhancing hardware) being included with systems because it’s useful for more than just OS shenanigans and commercial generative AI. Do I want Microsoft CoPilot Recall running on that hardware? No.

    However I’ve bought TPUs for things like Frigate servers and various ML projects. For gamers there’s some really cool use cases out there for using local LLMs to generate NPC responses in RPGs. For “Smart Home” enthusiasts things like Home Assistant will be rolling out support for local LLMs later this year to make voice commands more context aware.

    So do I want that hardware in there so I can use it MYSELF for other things? Yes, yes I do. You probably will eventually too.

  • No he and you are just describing a liberal.

    Well…yes. Of course we are.

    There are not and never have been your mythical “actual conservatives”.

    At one time the Republicans were liberals and even advertised themselves as such. If you crack a history book you can see that what’s happening with MAGA right now isn’t the first time that the RP has been through this.

    Aside from goings on in the 1870s we can look to the 1950s and the Eisenhower Republicans. You should look those up.

    Conservatives have always been about enforcing social hierarchies.

    Nah, my lived experience says differently. Dad was a Republican and he never made any racial or social distinctions on anyone. Neither did my mother. The only people my family had a problem with were Russians…and with damn good reason. So that means he was a Republican without being a Conservative. A liberal Republican if you will…and at one time the US was full of them.

    Your claims are so overly broad that they’ve slipped into revisionism.

  • The US has pretty much always made Social Progress in bursts. We do a whole bunch at once then do nothing for a time while things settle in. Eventually pressure starts to build as we recognize more injustices and when it builds far enough there’s another burst of Social Progress.

    We’re currently headed into another burst but its been delayed by the sheer numbers of old people who are clinging to the levers of power until the Grim Reaper pries them off. This is entirely unique in the history of this country because prior to the 1950s or so people simply didn’t live or stay healthy long enough for this problem to manifest.

    Big changes are coming in the next decade.

  • You are describing an actual Conservative, basically someone who acts like a brake. They can slow down or even temporarily stop progress to buy time while things are thought through. For all practical purposes these people no longer exist in the Republican Party. They’ve been replaced by MAGA.

    However MAGA aren’t “Conservatives” because they don’t function as brakes. To stick with the vehicle theme MAGA is trying to shift the vehicle into reverse. They aren’t just trying to stop progress they are actively trying to go backwards!. IMO these people should be called “Regressives” because that word most accurately describes their political goals. They want to unwind progress and regress to a previous time and state of existence.