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Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I think taste builds up a tolerance to sweet in the same way it does for heat. I used to drink lots of soda, but I stopped drinking it completely and now when I have a sip of Coke it tastes WAY too sweet and I can barely stand it. For people who eat lots of fast and ultra-processed foods packed with added sugar, salt, and fat, they need more extremes like this shake to overcome their tolerance in the same way a person who eats lots of spicy foods gets bored with jalapenos and needs ghost peppers and Carolina reapers that would destroy most other people’s palettes.

  • I’m not deep into the lore, but as far as I understand sovcits believe there is a shadow trust (or a corporate entity with their name in all caps) created for every person that the government gets control of at birth when you “register” it. They also believe that certain laws only apply to this corporate entity and not to them as people, and that they can exploit loopholes to get access to this shadow trust to pay for things by telling others to charge bills to their corporate entity (again, name in all caps) instead of to them as people.

    I guess she is expecting a new baby to have a new shadow trust for her to be able to pay for stuff with, thus why she wants to make sure she doesn’t “give up control” of it.

  • No, see you proposed a theory, that these were not “true” Trump supporters in the picture, with zero evidence to support your theory. You’re simply making up conspiracies and shifting the burden of proof to be edgy.

    Try this one: How do you know Trump is human and not actually an alien sent from Alpha Centauri to take over Earth for colonization by assuming one of the most powerful positions? Give me irrefutable proof or I’m right because of “critical thinking”.

  • I thought all this sovcit stuff was based on some conspiracy of the US government creating secret accounts and ownership of citizens at birth. If this person has a green card then they weren’t born in the US, and none of that would apply to them?

    I know this is probably too much logic for them to comprehend though. It does tickle me a little that sovcits would be cool with foreigners coming to their country and just declaring themselves citizens state nationals without any due process. How progressive!

  • There are still a lot of workers needed in agriculture, but increasingly they are either undocumented migrants or on restrictive visas (like temporary foreign workers in Canada) that limit their bargaining power and let their employers exploit them with poor working conditions and rock bottom wages. This means that these workers often don’t have the means or income to participate much in the local economy beyond the bare essentials. This is actually a case of “trickle down economics” where paying workers fair, living wages would lead to healthier local economies where these workers could spend those wages and support having or starting a family.