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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • I agree, this is why I consider myself a ‘patient gamer’… I don’t want to reward releasing half-done games, or trickling out DLC that should have been included in the original release.

    I had to re-evaluate my stance on this when Baldur’s Gate 3 was released because I really wanted to play it, but was going to wait until it went on sale. Then the reviews starting coming in saying that it was a full game, no major issues, and no planned DLC. I immediately purchased it because **THAT **is the behavior I want to reward, and I’m very glad that I did.

  • We need this in the US.

    Suicide sucks, but let people make an informed decision, explain their rationale to their loved ones (if they want), and take the dignified way out. Having sat in a house, tasting the blood in the air from when my father-in-law took his life with a gun to end the pain of his cancer, I don’t want anyone to have to go through that. It has been several years and our family still hasn’t healed from that trauma - mostly because of the stigma, and my mother-in-law’s request that we just tell everyone he died peacefully in his sleep.

    I would have much rather given him a hug, shook his hand and thank him for being such a guiding presence in my life… and then know that his last moments on earth truly were peaceful, not violent and messy.

  • I used it after I was laid off 2 years ago and was able to find a new job after a little less than 3 months. Which sites do you have experience with that you’d recommend?

    And to be clear, I found LinkedIn useful for job hunting… as a social media site it is horrible. Full of people who define themselves by their paychecks, salespeople who are just looking for someone to cold call, and ‘self-made successful people’ looking for success and validation.

  • Editing this again because when this story first broke I had assuming that this was a targeted attack on very specific people. I had also conflated Hezbollah and Hamas - and yes, I do know the difference, I just wasn’t paying as close attention between work, personal things, and Lemmy posting and made a mistake. And while I don’t support their attack on Hezbollah, I was still impressed with what I had assumed was a very targeted attack. But now as more information comes out, this really looks to be no different that if they had sprinkled land mines around someone’s home… sure, it might get that person, but it can also get innocent people as well, and that isn’t impressive. In summary, fuck Israel. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Hezbollah.

    This goes to show that Israel could have taken out Hezbollah Hamas leadership at any time… there was no need to raze Palestine other than to move people out so that Israelis can move in and rebuilt.

  • But even still… they should just make it a regular clinic. Don’t give it a funny name, don’t put their name on it, don’t do anything that will give ANYONE an uneasy feeling about using it when they are in need.

    If a woman needs/wants and abortion, she’s most likely gone through hell (no pun intended) making that decision. The last thing she needs is to see that her closest option is the ‘Hail Satan Abortionarium’ or feel that her situation is being used to score political points for some organization.

    I fully support TST and all that they do… but this just feels a bit sleazy.

  • I’ve had both. My first job was at McDonalds, it was about 4 years after my brother had worked there and I applied on a whim. The owner happened to be there and when she saw my last name she asked if I was related to my brother, and when I confirmed it she hired me on the spot. My second job was as a deckhand on a tug boat, my dad knew the owner and they needed someone to do manual labor, so I got the job. My 3rd job was in retail and I got it on my own at college - I applied with a bunch of other people and nailed the interview. My 4th job was another retail job that I applied and, again, nailed the interview. My 5th job is the one that got me started on my career, and it absolutely was because of who I knew… one of my prior work friends had gotten a job at a local ISP and he was able to get me onboard as well. That friend then left after a few years and got a job at a larger ISP in a much larger city, and about a year later he got me onboard again. Then I decided to go back to college and graduate, and after graduation that same friend got me a job in an IT department for a software company he was working for… during the interview process one of the interviewers asked if I knew anyone who worked there and when I dropped this guy’s name the interview was over, he said I got his vote. Then 16 years later I was laid off and had to find a job on my own. After 3 months - and 1000+ applications submitted - I got on with a large medical equipment manufacturing company all on my own. It helps a TON to know the right people, but it isn’t impossible to find something if you have the right skills (both job skills and social skills for getting through an interview). If you find someone who can get you in the door, cherish them because they can be truly life changing friends.