• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024

  • Let’s say you’re in school, and you’re assigned a lab partner and told the requirements of your project and that you need to compromise both individual’s ideas to make it happen.

    Every time you try to make a suggestion, they immediately say no and suggest something that isn’t even graded for the project, and refuses to budge until you compromise. When you don’t compromise, they threaten to tell the teacher that you’re not compromising. As you try to hold your ground trying to get a good grade for both of you, they just keep doing whatever they want and making more threats to you: they’ll take your lunch money, they’ll beat you up after school, they’ll pop your bike tires, etc.

    When you tell the teacher, they tell you to stop overreacting and you need to learn to work with others. After school, your science partner punches you and says you better agree to XYZ tomorrow. You tell the teacher they hit you, and you’re told you need to stop exaggerating and learn to compromise and work together. Every day that week, your science partner makes good on each threat after school, and every day you tell your teacher, they tell you to stop exaggerating and learn to play nice.

    On the last day, you punch the kid back, really hit him, break his nose kind of punch. And you’re punished: the teacher says you shouldn’t have resorted to violence, your partner says they were the true victim in the project arrangement, you get a failing grade because everything you compromised on didn’t meet the requirements, but your science partner still got an A and wasn’t punished for anything he did all week because “the rules don’t apply to them the same way, they’re troubled/have a lot going on at home/whatever excuse.”

    That’s the current state of US politics: Republicans are justified in any and everything they do because they’re “special,” but Democrats have to follow all of the rules, all of the time, even when the other side of the aisle refuses to even listen to them or the centuries/decades of legal precedent. And they, the Republicans, still win because that’s just how the fucking system works.

  • Was just talking to my Dad about this, he was saying from what he heard (he watches more news than I do) the local law enforcement basically said, “Well, he was outside the perimeter, so there wasn’t really anything we could do,” as their explanation for how it happened.

    It’s going to be interesting to see this whole investigation play out and what comes up for motives and such.

  • The military. It’s ingrained in you from like day one that if you’re not 15 minutes early to everything, you’re late. It’s also why you’ll hear folks from the military talking about standing in formation waiting for 3 hours before the Colonel/Captain even shows up. By the time the order gets from the Colonel to the Private, everyone in between has padded the arrival time by an extra 15 minutes.

    You don’t clock in and out in the military, so sure, fine. And for job interviews, it looks good to employers. But beyond that, I’m in the “if you want me here early, you need to pay me for that time” club.

  • Growing up, my mom always, always cut my sandwiches in half to make two rectangles. I asked her why at some point, and she said when she was growing up, her mother always cut her sandwiches into triangles, and she hated it. So when she moved out, she basically vowed to only cut sandwiches into rectangles.

    I hated the rectangles growing up, and cut all of mine into two triangles now that I’m on my own. 😆 Funny how the world works, hahaha

  • THERE IT IS EVERYONE!!! Troll can’t be happy unless they’re moving the goal posts, now they need thorough context for each and every word Musk has ever said!!

    To answer your question, despite you not asking it in good faith and then following it up with two uses of the R-slur: A female journalist raised legitimate criticism of Musk, and he completely disregarded everything she had to say. That’s childish, and misogynist, since I’m sure if Daddy Trump or Papa Putin weighed criticism on him, he wouldn’t have dismissed it.

    So I answered your fucking question and gave you “sPeCiFicAlLy” what you asked for, so you’re fucking welcome, troll, not that you know how to say “thank you.”

    And reported for use of the R-slur.

  • I’m not really interested in your bullshit anymore. There are tweets, from him. There are articles about him quoting tweets he’s used highlighting everything everyone here us telling you. Fucking happy? Can you fucking comprehend now? They’re his words, from his official verified X account.

    “FYI I specifically asked for” GO FUCK YOURSELF. I specifically told you to fucking use your fucking brain and Google all of this, but you refuse, because you’re a fucking troll just like Musk, whose cock you have so far down your throat it’s tickling your taint.

  • I interpreted it as “You hold beliefs that directly contradict the work you’re performing, therefore, you have a bias that needs to be shown wasn’t a factor in your research by having your research successfully replicated by those who do not share your bias.”

    A Crusade was never launched on behalf of science, people were never burned at the stake because of science, babies are not still being mutilated at birth against their will (circumcision or genital mutilation of young girls) because of science, and AIDs was not spread unchecked across the world due to government’s lack of science.

    It’s religion, it ruins literally everything, especially science.

  • He made “cis” a slur on Twitter because it upsets him that his ex who left him is trans, and he hates trans people. He’s had plenty of tweets and posts complaining about pronouns, trans people in general, and so on.

    I can’t speak to the misogyny (but I’m sure it’s there), but instead if arguing with people about you “jUsT aSkInG a QuEsTiOn” you could just Google “Elon Musk queerphobic tweets” and Google will supply plenty.

    I did, and the first two results were articles from former Twitter/X employees claiming there were homophobic and anti-semitic attacks on the platform after Musk took over. So yeah… Not sure what you want anyone here to do for you that you can’t do yourself via a Google search, you clearly know how to type, and the phrase I suggested is less characters than all your comments combined.

    Edit: And then after you did some googling and found the answers, you could edit your comment to say, “Wow, hey guys, I was wrong, he really is misogynistic queerphobic piece of shit,” and be done with it, instead of doubling down like a troll.

  • BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldI can't disagree.
    1 month ago

    I disagree, it’s annoying in general.

    If I need to go around, say, a mail truck parked on the side of the road, the steering assist in our work van starts to rumble or shake or whatever it does. If there’s construction, you guessed it, it doesn’t understand that I have to cross over the line to continue driving, and if I have a turn signal on, the cop/worker directing traffic is going to expect me to go that way.

    If a car is driving in the opposite direction and starts to ride/cross the double yellow lines, me moving over causes the vehicle to resist and fight me, potentially putting me into an accident because I didn’t think to put my turn signal on in a split-second situation.

    My car should not be able to, idk what word I’m looking for, override me? People need to take driving more seriously and stop handing off their responsibilities to a computer system/sensor that can not only fail, but also doesn’t understand real world applications.

  • You’re right, I made up all the numbers and stats, and wrote a long ass comment because I’m clearly just full of shit and a liar, my lived experience doesn’t matter because you can sit behind your computer and pretend numbers on a screen translate to the real world.

    I definitely didn’t research after meeting with my therapist recently who urged me to look into my state’s health insurance marketplace, I totally just made up all of the numbers, including my salary and my state’s maximum income level for their Medicaid plan which I haven’t totally been tracking since it was $17,583 back in like 2020.

    Yep, you got me, it was all a prank. And I’m not giving location info to some rando on the internet who can’t accept the reality he lives may not be the reality for everyone. For fuck’s sake, John Oliver did a segment on the Medicaid gap several years ago, and nothing significant has changed for a lot of people. Guess we’re all just wrong then, stupid us.

  • If you’re referring to the woman who was killed during the January 6th Insurrection, she was a traitor. She was an Air Force veteran who took an oath upon enlistment that she would faithfully defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    And then when her guy didn’t win, she decided she would forget her oath and try to overthrow the very Constitution she swore to protect. Honestly, fuck her, I don’t wish she had died, but she’s not a martyr, nor should she be.

    Your reasoning is why Democrats never fucking do anything: it’s all about the what-ifs. Republicans don’t give a fuck about the what-ifs and they’ve accomplished countless numbers of their goals over the years.

    So enough: if people want to try Insurrection 2.0: Electric Boogaloo, fucking mow them down like they so badly want to do anyone who isn’t a fucking white, cis, heterosexual male who dry humps their Bible every fucking night thinking that makes them a good Christian.

    Your logic and your comment are asinine, and you’re completely oblivious to the other side of your coin: We should just do nothing because stopping fucking traitors from overthrowing their government because their dipshit lost may hurt the perception the American people have of their government. Yep, better just let fascism happen then because people may look at the government, the same one that drone strikes women and children in the Middle East, what, may be too fucking tough on terrorists and insurrections?


  • Every group has their assholes, I’ve seen plenty of them. But I’ve also seen plenty where the individual was being harassed or unlawfully detained or worse doing nothing more than practicing their constitutional rights.

    My favorite is the guy walking around a police station parking lot video taping and photographing the vehicles. I don’t remember if anyone confronts him beforehand, but the Chief comes out and basically offers to give the guy a tour, he understands he’s not breaking any laws, etc.

    Either way, there are legitimate first amendment auditors. I’ve never heard of a legitimate or successful sovereign citizen.

  • If your income is low enough. I make $3/hr above minimum wage in my state. I make too much to qualify for Medicaid, so I was redirected to the marketplace.

    Cheapest plan when I checked less than a month ago was $275/month with a $10,000 deductible that had to be met, prescriptions were only covered like 50% until you hit the deductible, doctor’s visits and tests were 60% on me until I hit the deductible, none of my doctors were in their network, and it was a shit plan.

    The best “budget” plan I could find was about $400/month, doctor’s visits were $50, tests were split 50/50, prescriptions were 60% covered but only until the deductible of $7,000 was reached, then it was 100%, oh, and still none of my doctors were in their network.

    So I make $37,000/year before taxes, and I’m expected to spend $3,300 to $4,800 annually on insurance that’s going to make me spend another $7-$10k before they’ll even cover everything. So I have to spend $10,300-$14,800 of my salary that, again, is too high to qualify for Medicaid, for health insurance.

    What part of that is easy or so simple that you just get on the marketplace and have free health insurance, yay!! My state caps the Medicaid qualifying salary for a single person with no dependents at like $19,000/year. So should I just go knock up a few women and pump out a couple kids? Cause then I’d fucking qualify for Medicaid on my current salary, and maybe I could visit a fucking dentist for the first time in 6 fucking years.

    Edit: Oh, and those monthly insurance costs were after the reductions you mentioned, that’s what I’d have paid with help from the government. If Obamacare works for some people, I’m glad, but it leaves a lot of us out in the fucking cold and I’m tired of hearing that it’s just so goddamn easy to get free health insurance in this fucking Third World country we call America.