trump may very well die within the next 4 years, even 4 weeks after all that campaigning strain, but I am just no sure if JD wouldn’t make everything worse if he got hold of the reins?
One thing is sure President Vance would be a total shit show.
trump may very well die within the next 4 years, even 4 weeks after all that campaigning strain, but I am just no sure if JD wouldn’t make everything worse if he got hold of the reins?
One thing is sure President Vance would be a total shit show.
Yes listen to your great leader, it’s always the Marxist Democrats that are the violent ones 🙄
Edit: oh I forgot they are Marxist Fascist Democrats
RIP Mozilla Foundation 🪦
What a cowardly excuse
I’m sorry y’all it was the drugs talking.
In this economy the price conscious man can’t be shy when there’s a sale on. 👗
They double the fine each week so it will reach a googol eventually.
And what about Eisbein mit sauerkraut?
I can’t remember the exact scene but it could be that she is saying that he has to help find her kid.
The kid needs a middle name:
Blessica Blaykelyn Bimpson
Not only will the officer pay, they will also come round your place and cook you a nice meal.
But only if you remember to sign at 45°
Regarding bodily autonomy, my previous stance were something like this: Abortion is a major decision and women should be counselled to make sure they know what they go into, and maybe try and convince them to keep it.
And that stance is probably fine if we lived in a perfect world where a few women got pregnant by accident, and it were the only reason for abortion.
But live in a world with: rapists, incest, teen pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, failing contraceptics, and many other reasons for abortion.
So I can only agree that the only way forward is full bodily autonomy.
From what I gather contraceptives ensures that the egg is not fertilized or not produced.
Whereas abortions is done after implantation.
Before Roe v. Wade were overturned I was critical about abortion, then we started hearing about all the trouble women go through and it shows how essential abortion is for reducing birth complications, even if it sounds illogical.
My main issue were when abortion was used as contraceptive, because at the time of abortion the body is increasing hormone production and then it’s tough on the woman emotionally when the fetus is removed, but then I learn that in those states sex-ed is very limited and contraceptives can be hard to get hold of. And without sex-ed and contraceptives abortion is the only option left.
In light of all that I now know why we need abortion and feel like a fool for opposing it.
The main reason I won’t buy tesla is Elon.
Secondly I want a “real” car with proper signalling leavers and tactile buttons for everything, in my opinion touch screens is a safety risk.
I have done several D2 playthroughs, but end up stopping part way through the barbarian tundra chapter, it’s somewhat boring.
Now I listen to Diablo 2 soundtrack, when I miss the game, especially the wilderness music, it slaps!
Or a picture of Jill Stein saying: Christmas came early I got a bonus from Russia.