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  • 458 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Tonight I put one of our wooden outdoor benches next to it. it’s fairly light, so i’d suppose they would still move it if they wanted to. We do actually have an auto sensor light, but theres a spider living in there which sets it off every couple of minutes, and my new camera is good in low light or regular light, but takes a solid 20 sec to adjust between sudden light changes, so I decided to just flip the light switch a few times which makes it stay on until turned off again

    Edit: I realised I needed to text the cameras motion detection thingy, so I went outside and put the paint cans back. To be honest, I want whoever’s moving it to do it again tonight so I can get them on camera and know for sure who/what/when it’s happening. Or if by some almost miracle it is the wind or some sort of wild animal, I want to know so my mind can be put back at rest. I don’t want whatever’s causing it to get spooked and leave it alone. I confirmed the camera’s motion detection works fine as well.

  • I purchased another security cam which is going to face the back shed area. Unfortunately I can’t actually find a position for it to watch over the back road gate/fence and the shed at the same time, so I settled for just a view of the fence. Maybe when my 3 stolen phones eventually get replaced, I could look at setting them up around the other sides of the house, just to keep an eye on everything. That was the original plan, anyway.

    But this morning I noticed the paint cans keeping the shed door closed had been moved again. This time there’s no doubt in my mind that it was not the wind, although I don’t quite feel certain it was the other kid yet. I mean, logically, that’s pretty much the only person it could be, but why? What would he get from moving paint cans and opening the shed door? It’s just an odd thing to do. There’s not even anything in the shed anymore, because he stole all the old equipment and such that we had in there. Here’s a rather shitty MS paint drawing of what I mean:

    I don’t think it’s possible for the wind to do that.

  • Yeah… The program manager said he returned his key, and our keys are all security keys you need a code to copy or something, but I’m sure you could probably find a locky who doesn’t care, or one who’ll take your bullshit who’ll cut you a key. If he did make a copy though, that’s quite bad, because the side gate has the same key as the front door. Luckily though, the back door has a different key that only the property manager has. So he would have to come in thr front door, which I have a camera pointed at

    And yeah, that’s another consideration. Probably wise to start when I feel safer and have a more comfortable place to work in

  • This morning I noticed the paint cans were moved again and the shed was once again wide open. Still nothing on my front security cam, which means if he did return he had to have either jumped the fence in the backyard or must’ve had the front door key cut to unlock the side gate that faces onto a road (the gate into the back yard from the front yard just has a latch and no key, but the gate from the road uses the same key as the front door).

    Before I went to bed last night, I took a peek at the shed door and it was definitely locked. So I’m going to go buy another security cam that’ll face the shed as well as the side road gate. I’ll also set one of our outdoor chairs against the door in case it really is the wind. At the very least, if it is somehow the wind, I should get some peace of mind about it. And if it is somebody opening the door, then, well, I’ll have to cross that bridge if I come to it.

    This shed is more like a garage but without a garage door. It’s made of bricks and looks kind of similar to the new fancy modern ones they put in all the new double decker cube box house things, just freestanding and in the back yard. Unfortunately there’s no way to padlock it or lock it without changing the lock, which the area manager did agree to have done ASAP, but their contractors tend to be kind of slow so it might be a while. The side fence gate from the front yard can be padlocked, so I ordered one from Bunnings that’ll be delivered tomorrow. The gate to the road can’t be locked anymore than it already is. That fence is high enough that it’s not just decorative, but low enough even me and my out of shape self could probably jump over it with a standard kitchen chair. Someone a bit more in shape could probably just jump it.

    Thanks melbsy, I think I’m going to call the course lady on Monday and explain how I’m feeling and see what she can offer. She did mention on Monday that I had a choice to either start anyway or wait til the next intake. But I think I need more time, so I might go for the next intake if she can still arrange it. My enrolment paperwork hasn’t been signed yet anyway, so I haven’t officially taken my place yet, do it can probably be done.

    (Sorry for such a long comment… I didn’t realise how long it was going to turn out)

  • At about 10, I got an email back from the constable handling the case. It wasn’t really much of an update, he just thanked me for the info I provided and said he would update the report and let me know what happens next. As far as I’m aware, old mate doesn’t even know I know what he’s stolen yet. Don’t think the police would’ve even contacted him yet. And my org don’t seem like the type who’d go and recover my stuff.

    I’m still struggling with a lot of anxiety about it all, though. When I got home today, I found the shed door wide open and a couple of things that were previously in there out on the ground outside. Unfortunately he fucked up that lock before he left, so it no longer locks (we aren’t meant to have access to the shed, but he liked to smoke and drink with his dodgy mates in there, so he just broke the lock). It was held shut by 2 paint cans in front of it, so probably wouldn’t have come undone through the wind. But I didn’t see anybody go through the side gate (which is just a simple latch, no key), which my camera has a small view of. That makes me think either it was the wind, and I’m overthinking this, or he took a clone of a key to come in through the back fence gate, or just jumped the fence.

    Also, I still haven’t signed my enrolment paperwork for the TAFE course…. I had questions about some info that seemed inaccurate in the report when they sent it to me at 4:48pm on Wednesday, so I replied to the intake or sales lady asking for clarification, and she never replied. I had a busy day yesterday, so I didn’t follow up, and now it’s the weekend… I’m meant to start this Tuesday! It’s all feeling really overwhelming and like it’s too soon now, since I’ll have 24 hours (at most) after the paperwork is signed before I start — and I missed the intake last week. I don’t want to bail, but I don’t think I’ll have enough time to prepare and get myself ready, mentally or practically (there’s apparently some learner handbook thing I’m meant to read before I rock up that I can’t access until I am enrolled and can access their LMS thingy).

    Thoughts, wise DT people? Should I call first thing on Monday and just go for it anyways? Should I ask to swap to a course starting at a later date (they seem to run this course fairly frequently, so it’d most likely just be a month or so wait)?