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  • 551 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2024


  • Ukraine is much more complicated than what you hear on TV. USSR collapsed because of the power struggle between the President of Russia Yeltsin and the USSR leader Gorbachev. Ukraine was a Soviet Republic created by the Soviets. Crimea, more specifically, Sevastopol, was a piece of land of contention, because it was/is the HQ of the Russian Black Fleet and the Ukrainian navy was actually a split off of the USSR/Russian Navy. They shared the area together as a naval base, which exemplifies how important it is strategically. The Russians allowed East Germany to unify with West Germany on the condition that NATO would not expand one inch beyond that. The US ignored it and decided to expand NATO over the years as a policy of political capture. I posted that picture because Ukrainians are not liberals. It is not freedom versus “fascism” that Western media portrays. Russians actually call Ukrainians fascist. Ukrainian military uses that Nazi emblem for recruitment posters. The real conflict is between Ukrainian nationalist and Russians. They don’t like Russia; they change their religious denomination because of it, they ban the Russian language, and ban Russian political parties. The history textbooks teach that Nazis were fascist. Liberals are not supposed to be Neo-Nazi, but who knows nowadays. Democrats/liberals/progressives/leftist, even Republicans, believe what their leaders/elites them what to think, all the way to their own pit of hell. You have been duped once again, just like WMDs in Iraq.

  • Context is important here. Russians annexed Crimea because of a coup in Kyiv by Ukrainian Nationalist, the so-called Neo-Nazis, or politely called Extreme Ukrainian Nationalist. The reason why Russia annexed Crimea is for security concerns, which is why Ukrainian neutrality was important. The annexation was a geostrategic move to prevent future NATO control. Neutrality is important here. Besides, even if that is the case, why does the US need to meddle in Ukraine when it is inconsequential to US national security. We all know Americans were inside Ukraine prior to the 2014 coup. Victoria Nuland was there with her colleagues, meddling in Ukrainian politics. Why? Because there is a political agenda at work here.

    It is important to point out causation here. Was neutrality better for Ukraine, or was going for NATO membership a disaster? The latter is indisputably true. Neutrality was better. To those to who say that Putin was going to invade anyway, based on what? We have people who can read other people’s minds? This is absurd logic to assume you know what another person is thinking and base international relations on that. That easily leads to miscalculation.

    Here are the fact here since the US became deeply involved in Ukraine: 1. Ukraine is less democratic, with less political parties, with no legal president. 2. Ukraine is far less peaceful, with men forced to fight in a futile war that could have been prevented with diplomacy. 3. Ukraine is losing on the battlefield. Those are the facts. Whose miscalculation are those?

  • What does Putin want? A neutral Ukraine. Is that unreasonable to you? What sounds reasonable, getting your country wrecked because you want to join NATO, or be neutral and maintaining your borders? What does the US want in Ukraine? Peace or NATO membership? Why is it important for Ukraine to join NATO, and why do US state officials and the EU continue to insist THEY WILL JOIN NATO? Critical thinking skills are needed. NATO membership is more important than neutrality? Why? NATO membership is more important than preserving your own country. A reasonable person would think that is stupid. Indeed, everything about this conflict could have easily been avoided, but from the beginning, it was full-on stupid. Such stupidity can only be endorsed because of political agenda, and not rational thinking. Do you even know what Putin wants with any evidence, or is this conflict based on what you think Putin wants? If that is so, that is just stupid. Context is important here. NATO is a political alliance, and the Ukraine conflict is a political agenda. Whoever controls Ukraine does not affect the US. Ukraine is insignificant to the US. Such unhinged policy can only be explained by a political agenda; that is, the perpetual expansion of NATO, which Russia threw cold water on. The Russians had to gall oppose NATO expansion and defy US dominance. This makes logical sense that it is a political agenda that is wanted to be rammed through since the US is not interested in any compromise that Ukraine will not join NATO. Simple as that. This is why Donald Trump is better for Ukraine, who has a peace plan. Trump has no interest in expanding NATO and sees NATO as a parasite leeching off of the US, which he is technically correct. Joe Biden is unhinged here, not Donald Trump.

    Furthermore, Joe Biden’s ideology is different from Trump’s. Trump has a nationalistic ideology focused at home. Joe Biden has an expansionist ideology in controlling and interfering in the politics of other countries to expand US influence (which is what Ukraine is about). Who is the real fascist here? A warmonger that wants to spread liberalism around the world or a nationalist that focuses more on the home front and deals with peer competitor like China? Fundamental differences. Donald Trump’s foreign policy has better priority than Joe Biden’s policy. The Russians are not going to lose in Ukraine and as Zelensky himself has said recently “time is running out”. Whatever dumb excuses needed to support Ukraine doesn’t matter in the end, because Ukraine is going to lose anyway.

  • Democracy is only good for the winners. The threat to democracy is democracy. Case in point, democrats don’t want MAGA to vote and vice versa. Short of actual riots and coups every election seasons, Americans have not faced the ugly side of democracy. Look at Kenya. Look at Bolivia. Look at Argentina.

    Here is why Trump is the lesser of the two evils:

    1. Donald Trump is an outsider with non-conforming policies with the establishment. This is why the establishment hates Trump. If Trump is reelected, he is very likely going to have work with the same people that has been in government for many years and seemingly never leave, but take up other positions in the government.

    2. Joe Biden is a warmonger. Voted for every war, he has a peace plan for Israel and Palestine and has no peace plan for Ukraine. Any peace plan from Russia is automatically rejected. This makes no sense, especially when you consider that ethnic cleansing can only happen with the support of the US. Joe Biden royally messed up the security situation in the world, where enemies or rivals are coalescing together to form a block that is not US led. His foreign policy literally makes no sense. He has no winning strategy in Ukraine, and yet his handlers constantly talk about a possible victory. This is pure political nonsense. The funny part is the Western media makes a big deal about an attack on an oil rig in Russia as if that is key to winning the war. The Ukraine war is a destabilizing event but the worse thing about it, it is a poorly run war with no real objective. This is no Vietnam for Russia.

    3. Trump has a peace plan for Ukraine. Biden has none.

    4. Joe Biden must think he is genius for draining the strategic oil supplies to lower prices for voters when he just looks inconsistent. He wants a carbon free future, but apparently climate change is not the ultimate threat to mankind he claims it is, and the Russians are less of a threat than climate change.

    5. Joe Biden, despite being a longtime democrat with long experience, he is undermining the image and standing of the United States by supporting Israel. Hamas is not an existential threat to Israel and Israel won’t defeat Hamas, which is why ethnic cleansing is the preferred method. Israel serves no benefit to the US. It is funny to watch the regime dancing around the situation, claiming Israel came out with a peace plan, and it is only Hamas that is holding back the peace process. Israel is a pariah state that US wishes Russia to be.

    6. American people see the unhinged foreign policy. They are tired of America’s wars. Joe Biden and his posse must realize the global NATO dream is not possible and be real about it. US foreign is like an automated machine; ram against the opposing forces without compromise.

    7. US democracy doesn’t really work because a democracy can be hijacked by a monotone culture and establishment. This is not necessarily bad if you have the right kind, but certainly it isn’t democracy. The common thing that voters oppose and leads to instability is establishment politics that does not represent the public. Look at what the Europeans have to endure with NATO and the EU. They have no sovereignty. Why do you think Brexit happened? EU is lead into a US foreign policy rabbit hole, not of their own volition.

    8. Joe Biden should be feeling the real effects of entanglement alliances as well as European allies. The Biden regime is trying to manage Israeli foreign policy de-escalation whenever possible with Iran and Hezbollah. This civilian government in Israel biting off more than it can handle alone, or the US-Israel alliance emboldens the Likud Party to be more belligerent than normal.

    9. Joe Biden’s ideology is different from Trump’s. The problem with Joe Biden is his lack of priority. He thinks the US is this great superpower that has unlimited capacities. He is delusional. Trump has better priorities; he wants to suppress the rise of Beijing and deals with Russia much more appropriately. Joe Biden has no strategy, no exit from Ukraine, and is an absolute circus show of Ukraine joining the EU and NATO which is not even qualified by their own statutes. Ukraine does not need to join NATO. Anybody who argues otherwise overlook the consequential events. It is stupid to argue that Ukraine needed to join NATO when doing so is the reason that wrecking their country.

    10. Biden regime has declined the soft power of the US. The little diplomacy that exists is being replaced by sanctions and threats to security.

    11. The pandemic is what ruined Trump’s re-election. There is no pandemic now, and people are reminded why they voted for Trump in the first place, to avoid a person like Joe Biden. If Joe Biden had good leadership, his cognition wouldn’t be questioned.

    12. Whatever supposed virtues Joe Biden has been irrelevant because he is incompetent. Joe Biden and his buddies in Washington are in a lot of trouble. Absolutely unhinged foreign policy. Trump does not have a perfect foreign policy by any means. For example, the excess antagonization of Iran is not helpful, and can make things worse; Iran can make a nuke. The antagonization is pure politics. I would say Trump’s foreign policy is less unhinged but still. A trade war with China is a dead end, much like Biden’s dead end in Ukraine. I agree with China needs to be contained, but you don’t need a trade war. There are other ways to try to contain China, which the Biden administration is doing.

    13. To fundamentally change the US government takes much more than just voting for the president. Every politician, including your Congress people, need to be examined with a magnifying lens.