• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Well I thought this was kinda obvious what I meant, but I guess not.

    Alright, drop the sass, if it was obvious your post wouldn’t be the length it is. Now chill, I genuinely appreciate your response

    0, no go

    1, also a no go, I can’t guarantee I’ll have an extra thing

    2a. No 2fa, so this is a reduction in my current security

    2b, this could be workable, I already self-host a number of services, but I want to be sure situational neglect (i.e. life is too busy for me to pay attention) cannot compromise this, therefore it’s gotta be a turnkey solution that I can configure to auto update, which is what I’m asking for in my comment. I need your specific solution for this, generalisms are useless here.

    3: Not workable, I can’t rely on someone else being able to help in every possible scenario (and tbh I wouldn’t want to put that responsibility on someone)

    4: This is a pretty good one tbh, though I guess if I’m going to pick holes, if the first stage is good enough as the gate, it diminishes the reason to have the second stage, so I’d wonder what you would suggest that could tick all the boxes for that first gate.

    Edit: weird numbering formatting to combat lemmy formatting doing weird things

  • Does anyone have a suggested alternative for authy? (Please read the whole post before responding)

    I’d love to go with an open source solution as I’ve done with my password manager, but that doesn’t seem possible with one of my big requirements:

    Scenario: I’ve had my phone robbed abroad and managed to buy a new one and loaded my ESIM back into it—I need to recover access to my 2 factor database via SMS so I’m able to log into my cloud storage and access my password database.

    At this point I’d probably be happy to host a service myself on something like AWS and use SNS for this requirement, but I’m not sure anything like that exists ready to go. I’m not particularly interested in rolling something myself for this.

    I’d be dubious of jumping from one closed source product to another, but if there’s a particularly good option I’m all ears, I’ve been otherwise happy with authy for about a decade now, but this plus the retirement of the desktop app have me looking elsewhere.

    Edit: added emphasis