Congrats! Every year will get more awesome,. Ours is 3 and I love spending time with her and talking about how the world works. Yes, life is very different to before, but I wouldn’t want to change thing. Also, boys are a little… r-word, I know, I used to be one and I see them at daycare. Girls are so much further ahead when it comes to emotional and cognitive development, so congrats on that lucky draw (imo) :D
Congrats! Every year will get more awesome,. Ours is 3 and I love spending time with her and talking about how the world works. Yes, life is very different to before, but I wouldn’t want to change thing. Also, boys are a little… r-word, I know, I used to be one and I see them at daycare. Girls are so much further ahead when it comes to emotional and cognitive development, so congrats on that lucky draw (imo) :D