what are your weapons of choice?

  • dan1101
    1 year ago

    I haven’t really fallen in love with any particular gun. I tend to use whatever I have the most ammo for.

    I use a suppressed Orion a lot for sniping, partly because I have a lot of rounds for it. Also the Old Earth Hunting Rifle.

    For midrange stealth I use a suppressed Drum Beat because I like the drum mag.

    Solstice pistol for close suppressed work.

    I like shotguns and like the Breach but it doesn’t work that well for me, and only 7 rounds is a drag. I tend to use a Magpulse in close-quarters loud.

    Also a heavily modified Kodama for close/mid work.

    For melee I have a good Wakizashi, but it doesn’t work well. Even when an enemy is crawling on the ground wounded it takes several swings to finish them off. Guess I need more points in melee.