What’s on your playlist this weekend? Starfield? Still BG3? Something new?

  • kembik
    1 year ago

    Starfield - I decided to do what some have suggested and just focus on the main story and segue into new-game+

    On Saturday morning I did what I would consider the third act of the main story and while the first two acts were a bit dull and too easy I found the opposite in the end. I’m happy with my decision to do this - I didn’t do anything on the first pass that I was upset to leave behind like building complex outposts or ships or getting into any of the faction stuff and now I can dig into the game with the slight bonuses and changes that NG+ provides.

    I can see why people are upset with this game, it’s not a big leap forward and the negative points about space mechanics are understandable but none of that is getting in the way of me enjoying this - everyone has different expectations but I see a new Bethesda game as a rare gem in the gaming space. Most big games are a flash in the pan, very exciting for a few months then they go in the bin but ES and Fallout games are more of a slow burn, for me at least, in that I know I will be spending time in this universe for years to come as I explore the base game, expansions, and in the not too distant future I look forward to customizing the game with 100+ mods.