• 31415926535
    1 year ago

    One good thing. Was recently homeless for several years, lost everything, off meds, suicidal, etc. Since then, been grateful for the programs, help meant for people like me. When you 5150 into psych ward, homeless, I got connected with case manager, helped me get on ssi, Medicare, free psych care, free meds. Most all the shelters in my area work in concert with mental health agencies. They’re aware that untreated mental health issues can result in addiction, abuse, and it’s a long slow road, you have to put the work in. But generally they know providing temp income, meds, and safe housing is 1st step to help their clients get back on feet. It’s a flawed system, not enough money or resources. But the people who’ve been helping me really are amazing at navigating complex system. Maybe things changed, or I just got lucky with where I live.