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Caption: Photo collage of a beach in Alexandria, Egypt, showing a progression in 3 images:

  1. Alexandria “Problem” - empty beach + walking street + 6 lane road with medium traffic + dense mid-rise buildings (likely housing)
  2. Alexandria “Solution” - empty beach (doesn’t seem to matter) + narrower walkway or sidewalk + 10 lane brand new and empty road + tiny sidewalk + the same buildings
  3. Alexandria “Results” - crowded beach + crowded beach walkway + traffic jam on the 10 lane road
  • desconectado
    1 year ago

    Even if the same number of cars are on the road, it is likely that the bottleneck is somewhere else in the city, so adding 20 lanes won’t help the issue anyway.

    This like complaining the bathroom is clogged and your solution is to make the showerhead bigger.