“Even after a judge required ACS to reunite Ms. Rivers with her baby, ACS continued to subject Ms. Rivers to needless court proceedings and a litany of conditions that interfered with her parenting of TW for months, while the unlawful removal of her baby was ratified by senior ACS leadership,” the complaint reads. “This was not because ACS was trying to protect TW; this was because Ms. Rivers is Black.”
There is a recommended maximum amount of alcohol to be consumed whole pregnant. It isn’t zero. I’m sure the same should be true for almost any other substance, but as far as I’m aware the guidelines for Marijuana don’t exist, though they may. I don’t really know. The article does not state how much she used or if it was above or below any recommendations, or that the child had any birth defects related to Marijuana use. In fact, it seems to imply that there wasn’t any complications besides legal ones.
Research on using marijuana during pregnancy is limited, but to noone’s surprise, it’s assumed to be harmful and recommended against.
Using drugs during pregnancy is not okay. Nice to hear this child apparently was lucky.
Again, alcohol consumption has been shown to be safe below a certain level. Yes, “drug” use can be bad if abused, but that goes for all drugs, not just what people typically call drugs which are substances we’ve decided to regulate for usually no good reason. Caffeine can have negative side effects, but no one is taking people’s children away because they drank too much coffee.
According to the CDC, you’re wrong.
The reason caffeine is not as much of a problem is because according to the CDC it has little to no effect on a baby. The worst effect linked to very high caffeine consumption is poor sleep, which is unsurprising.
Also according to LactMed, which is referred to by the CDC:
We conclude: Alcohol does not have a safe level of consumption and is always bad for your child. Caffeine on the other hand is usually completely harmless and in the worst case only causes the normal effects of caffeine, not long term damage. They are not comparable.
Now, is marijuana consumption more similar to alcohol, as in it causes long term damage to the child, or is it more similar to caffeine, as in it only has small and temporary effects on the child?
According to the CDC, marijuana consumption is assumed to cause long term damage to the child.
It seems like marijuana is not just part of some “substances we’ve decided to regulate for usually no good reason”, but actually a harmful substance with reason to be regulated.
An opinion piece, published 15 years ago? Let’s look at current recommendations by renown organisations:
HHS (USA: Department of Health & Human Services)
DHAC (Australia: Department of Health and Aged Care)
DHV (Germany: Deutscher Hebammenverband)
Translation using DeepL:
RCOG (UK: Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists)
nidirect (Northern Ireland)
CDC (USA: Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Sound medical advice for pregnant women is always a good idea.
Following sound medical advice is usually a good idea, too, at least since leeches went out of fashion.
It’s not the law, though.
If you don’t have the fucking self control to stop smoking, drinking or taking any potentially harmful substances during pregnancy, you shouldn’t have kids. There shouldn’t even be a debate here.
I’m always happy when we can find agreement in a conversation like this, and I certainly agree that there shouldn’t even be a debate — about enforcing your morality on every woman who may have smoked tobacco, imbibed alcohol, or taken any potentially harmful substance during pregnancy, by having the government seize her child/children. Enforced uniformly, most American children would be wards of the state.
I am not trying to say take away every child from their mother because they smoked one blunt, I am saying don’t smoke a blunt. Stop being an irresponsible dumb fuck. That shit is never GOOD for your child, and if that’s not your priority, maybe you should think on your own morality.
Sound medical advice.