So I have now been planing for several months to reinstall my OS that I have run for a year or so. I have few reasons for this: Firstly there are some bugs that occur randomly, like file explorers taking a long time to open a directory (it has happened on every DE and file explorer that I have tried). There are also other minor bugs that are in the DE or deep in the system. Secondly I don’t particularly like Pop! OS and Debian just sounds very appealing.
So is there easy way to switch or do I have to download my home folder and other config files from /etc and other locations to another disk and then move them back? That sure sounds like a lot to check and remember.
Info that you may need: The whole system is in one partition and it isn’t encrypted.
Well apart from everything other’s have said, do not blindly copy everything from one
to another. This will cause problems. And yeah, you also do need to have a backup of home, because you have just one partition with everything on it. Also, when installing Debian make sure to check the box enabling proprietary firmware if you need it. Debian also specifies repositories for non-free software, so you’ll have to set those if you want to play on Steam and/or have Discord.