So I notice that KBIN and BEEHAW and LEMMY all have duplicate pages dedicated to the same content. Are we as a community going to have to decide which page will be the ‘main’ page, will we have to subscribe to each magazine for each instance, or will they consolidate eventually?

So like, theres a technology@beehaw, a technology@lemmy, and a tech for kbin. Does it make sense to spend time cultivating one, if another ends up getting more attention?

    1 year ago

    I hope they don’t get consolidated-that’s the entire point after all. One choice for everybody is what the corporate sites have been forcing on us for years. Let small communities develop organically. Who cares if there is some overlap? I belong to three ham radio clubs in Real Life and I value each for what it is. Combining them would kill all of what I like about them.