Whatever “conservatism” is, it does not involve the conservation of a stable climate, or the polar ice caps, or the coral reefs, or the global food supply.

  • PatFusty
    1 year ago

    The point of being a conservative is to be a middleman between regression and progress. Its like when you see a kid chowing down on snacks and you have to put him in a stranglehold to put down the chocolate pudding for his own good but then CPS gets called and im trying to hide the evidence by putting the kid to sleep with makeup on his neck but the police eventually come and I get 5 years in prison for negligence and lose my kid for harmless fun and really the kid deserved it because he was the one who snuck those snacks into the weightloss camp and I was trying to save him from himself but nooooo I am the bad guy now and im in jail waiting for sentencing getting eyed down by these vato locos who call me honey for trying to help the kid but don’t let this man distract you from the fact that in 1998, the undertaker threw mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.