Este hilo será reemplazado los lunes en la mañana. No hay hora definida hasta que haya un bot para hacerlo recurrente.

    1 year ago
    qué datos van a capturar

    (…) Threads will also integrate with third-party services (“Third Party Services”) via an interoperable protocol, which will allow Threads users to share content with, view and interact with content from, follow, and be followed by people outside of Threads who use such services (“Third Party Users”).

    Information From Third Party Services and Users: We collect information about the Third Party Services and Third Party Users who interact with Threads. If you interact with Threads through a Third Party Service (such as by following Threads users, interacting with Threads content, or by allowing Threads users to follow you or interact with your content), we collect information about your third-party account and profile (such as your username, profile picture, IP address, and the name of the Third Party Service on which you are registered), your content (such as when you allow Threads users to follow, like, reshare, or have mentions in your posts), and your interactions (such as when you follow, like, reshare, or have mentions in Threads posts).


    básicamente los mismos datos que podría captar cualquier wn que levante una instancia al federar con otra

    de todos modos creo que va a ser un neto positivo para las redes descentralizadas